Obvious pros and cons of a pillow with husk

The importance of good rest for a person cannot be overestimated. In sleep, strength is restored, children's bodies grow, and they even lose weight! But all this will happen to the full only when a person is fully rested. High-quality deep sleep is guaranteed by: a cool room temperature, a light dinner, a comfortable mattress and pillow. By the way, the health of the cervical spine also depends on the latter.

The comfort of a pillow depends on the correct choice of height and hardness. The filler is also important - it can become a night helper, and maybe the cause of allergies. To prevent this from happening, it is important to know the characteristics of different fillers. A popular filler today is buckwheat husk, so let’s talk about it.

What is the essence of the filler, how is it obtained?

Buckwheat husks are used to fill pillows to support the head and neck during sleep. It can take your anatomical shape. It is in demand because it does not cause allergies, like other natural fillers, and is inexpensive.

buckwheat husk

Buckwheat grains are cleaned and buckwheat groats and husks are obtained. After this, the husks are sifted to get rid of any stray grains. Then they blow it under a powerful stream of air. Next, the future filler is steamed and cleaned.

The output is pure buckwheat flakes in the shape of a pyramid - a filling for a pillow made from buckwheat husks.It is placed in a bag made of natural fabric, with a zipper on one side - this is the finished pillow.

REFERENCE! A zipper or other type of fastener on this model of pillow is needed so that, if necessary, you can pour out excess husks.

Benefit: 5 main advantages

The benefits of a pillow made from buckwheat husks have long been convinced. It fixes the correct position of the head and neck, and thereby does not allow small vessels to be squeezed. This problem is common among people who sleep on a pillow with an inappropriate height.

If the height of the pillow is small, the head is thrown back, the anatomical curvature of the spine, lordosis, is too compressed and puts pressure on small vessels. This can lead to headaches and neck pain. If the pillow is too high, the head is pressed towards the chest. Lordosis levels out and air flow through the nose becomes difficult. As a result of insufficient oxygen supply, a person experiences dizziness, headaches and constant fatigue.

pillow with buckwheat husk

A buckwheat husk pillow takes the anatomical shape of the neck and head. In the area of ​​lordosis it turns out higher, and forms a comfortable bed for the head. With its help, you sleep in the correct position, the vessels are not squeezed and enough oxygen is supplied.

IMPORTANT! Buy a pillow only after trying it on. In the store, lie down on it to understand whether it is your height and hardness or not. If you bought a tall pillow, simply remove the excess husk.

We will not talk about the dangers of dust and dust mites, because they are not in buckwheat husks. Here is a whole list of advantages:

  • hypoallergenic - after total cleaning, all possible allergens are eliminated. Due to the absence of dust and dust mites, it is safe for allergy sufferers and asthmatics;
  • helps in the treatment of scoliosis, osteochondrosis in the first stages;

IMPORTANT! Before use if you have a spinal disorder, consult your doctor. Orthopedic pillows are allowed to be used only by healthy people, and husk products are located between orthopedic and regular pillows.

  • breathable - due to large particles, air circulates in the filler. This means that it is comfortable to sleep on in winter and summer - it does not overheat and does not provoke high sweating;
  • Allowed for children over 2 years old. Special models of smaller size and height are sold for them.



But there were also shortcomings in this product, which, by the way, do not worry everyone and not always. Despite this, you should know even before purchasing what to be prepared for. After analyzing user reviews, we can identify three main disadvantages of the model:

  • rustle. At first it may cause discomfort before falling asleep. During sleep, a person does not hear it, but after 6-10 days he generally gets used to these sounds. For some people, this soft rustling has a calming effect and, on the contrary, helps them fall asleep;
  • hardness. At first, the pillow may seem too hard and this may disappoint fans of feather beds. It has difficulty molding to the shape of your head and neck. After 1-2 weeks, the pillow will begin to instantly take the shape of a person, because during this time the buckwheat pyramids will become softer and more pliable. But the pillow will not become soft. Its rigidity will decrease compared to the one you just purchased, but will still remain high.

IMPORTANT! If after several nights you notice pain in the neck area, stop sleeping on this product. It may be too hard for your body.

  • smell – some people simply don’t like the specific smell of the husk, but on the Internet you can find a theory that the smell of buckwheat will awaken the appetite. In fact, the husk smells like raw, unroasted buckwheat, and few people have smelled it. The smell of the husk is not like boiled cereal, so there can be no talk of any awakening of appetite. But if you categorically do not like this slightly herbal aroma, it is better to refuse the purchase.

ADVICE! If you want to buy a pillow filled with buckwheat husks, but don’t like its aroma. Place any dried herb whose smell you like in a small fabric bag. It will delight and relax you before bed, and aromatherapy will be added to the other advantages of this model.

Another disadvantage is that it quickly becomes unusable. One pillow, with regular use, will last you 2-3 years.


versatility of the pillow

With the exception of a few cases described above, the product is suitable for everyone - adults, children, the elderly. It is available to every wallet - from 500 rubles. Such a low price is due to the availability of the material, because there is a lot of buckwheat in our country.

The pillow is sewn in 3 options:

  • for sleep. For adults, sizes 40x60 and 50x70;
  • for a car seat or chair, square or round - supports the spine and prevents overheating in the groin area;
  • for children it is smaller in size and height. Often has a ready-made recess in the center for the head. It can be used from 2 years of age. Until the age of 2, a child does not need a pillow at all - this happens due to the anatomical features of the structure of the child’s body.

REFERENCE! The car pillow is stitched over the entire area with additional seams. With the resulting rolls, the husks do not roll and keep their shape even after sitting for a long time.

To summarize, a pillow filled with buckwheat husk is useful. It suits most people and is affordable to many. It also helps in the treatment of back diseases and frequent headaches due to lack of oxygen.

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