Is it possible to put icons in the bedroom

is it possible to put icons in the bedroom In modern apartments, icons are often found, including among people who are far from Christianity. They are used as a kind of amulets, talismans, protection from evil people, “for good luck” and so on.

People who live a Christian life have a deeper understanding of the meaning of sacred images and their purpose in the home. They try to place icons in different places in the apartment. In the kitchen - to pray before and after meals. In the nursery - so that children from an early age can see the faces of the Lord, the Mother of God, their beloved saints and the Guardian Angel, and turn to them in their prayers. Above the door - so that before leaving the house you can look at the holy image and ask God for blessings on all your affairs with a short prayer.

However, even believers sometimes avoid placing icons in the bedroom, because they are embarrassed to live their married life “in full view” of the icons. Such confusion is wrong; it is akin to superstition.

Marriage is blessed by God, and intimacy between legal spouses is not a sin. Everything that happens behind the door of the matrimonial bedroom concerns only the husband and wife and is not regulated by the Church. If the family is a believer and the marriage is legal, then placing icons in the bedroom is not prohibited.

Therefore, to the question whether it is possible to place icons in the bedroom, an affirmative answer is given.

Purpose of icons in the bedroom

purpose of icons
An icon is a reminder to us of God and his saints, to fuel our prayer.Looking at them, a person sees in them the Holy Trinity, the Savior, the Mother of God and the saints. Having a tangible image before our eyes makes it easier for us to gather our thoughts for prayer.

A believer observes the morning and evening rule: he prays immediately upon awakening and just before going to bed. Handles special petitions, sorrows and sorrows during the day. Naturally, at such moments a certain amount of privacy is required. Therefore, the bedroom is a reasonable and proper place to place a prayer corner.

What place to choose for icons in the bedroom

place for icons
The rule of the red corner (location of the iconostasis to the east) is outdated. We no longer build homes for ourselves, taking into account the cardinal directions in advance. Therefore, for apartments, country houses, even churches located in institutions, the rule of location to the east does not apply. At home, images are placed where it is convenient, appropriate and safe.

This should be a place in the room where it will be convenient to pray. Where there is enough space for joint family prayer and it is easier to concentrate.

Icons should be placed at eye level or higher. It is not proper to look down on the image of God or saints.

IMPORTANT! Set aside a special place for your home iconostasis. You cannot place them on the same shelf with photographs of people, even those closest to you.

It is also not allowed to be adjacent to posters, wall calendars, on the same shelf with souvenirs, or books of non-Christian content. The only thing that is allowed is that at home, as in church, you can decorate the holy corner with flowers.

When placing icons, it is important to maintain a certain hierarchy. Images of saints do not rank higher than the image of the Savior, the Holy Trinity, the Mother of God or the apostles.

What icons to place in the bedroom

what icons
When choosing icons for your marital bedroom, listen to yourself, to your spiritual experience.

Marital bedroom

First of all, icons of the Savior and the Mother of God should be present in a Christian’s home. And images of saints, or so-called personalized icons, are optional. Choose those saints whom your family honors and to whom you want to turn in prayer with requests for help or intercession.

IMPORTANT! The size of the iconostasis and the number of images do not affect spiritual life in any way if a person does not pray in front of them.

Children bedroom

in etskaya
In children's rooms they traditionally place an image of the Guardian Angel or the saint whose name was given to the child at baptism. It is customary to hang icons at the head of the bed, but this is not a mandatory rule. As in other cases, they must be securely fastened and located separately from toys and decorative elements.

At the patient's bedside

It happens that someone in the house is sick. Traditionally, in such cases, they pray in front of the image of “Lord Almighty.” And also to those saints who became famous for their help in healing from illnesses - Saints Panteleimon, Luke of Crimea.

There are also known sacred images of the Mother of God, the prayer in front of which was heard and glorified by miracles of healing, including cancer patients - “The All-Tsarina”, “The Healer”.

It is important where to hang the icon from the patient. It is advisable to position it so that it is always visible to the patient himself. So that he could watch and pray without much effort. And also I didn’t feel lonely, I didn’t give up hope.

This kind of accumulation of Christian books, icons, and memorial shrines from pilgrimage trips is sometimes found among believers. As with everything, everything is good in moderation. You can lead a conscious Christian life with just one icon, printed on a printer from the Internet and consecrated by the priest at a prayer service.

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