Beds with a ladder: why Americans sleep on three mattresses at once

Many Russian citizens moving to the United States for permanent residence are surprised to discover that beds in America are significantly different from ours. Americans are accustomed to paying great attention to night's rest, comfort and convenience. Therefore, most of them use large beds with two or three different mattresses, while the king bed is quite high, and you literally need to climb onto it with a ladder.

bed in USA

Standard bed in USA

The American bed has a respectable height and size. Most wealthy people prefer king size sizes, which means that the base on which the mattress is placed measures 2 × 2 meters.

Agree, you can comfortably sleep an entire volleyball team on such a bed. Russians who went to America for permanent residence are surprised how they can remain close to their spouses if in their sleep they cannot even touch each other with their hands.

A standard American bed consists of:

  • base about 100 cm high, without side and front walls;
  • lower mattress providing rigidity;
  • upper softer flooring.

Important! In some cases, a third layer is used, which provides complete comfort; it is thinner than the other two.

It is fair to note that such a bed can not be found in every home.Some Americans live quite modestly and cannot afford royal amenities.

Why are Americans obsessed with mattresses?

In the United States, the mattress industry is incredibly developed. This is a multi-billion dollar business that brings huge income to the owners. Americans are constantly presented with more and more new products, which they happily purchase.

mattresses in the USA

Local residents have a variety of options to choose from. Soft, hard, medium hard, with various bells and whistles and fillings. For a Russian person, such diversity is unusual. And Americans are well versed in all varieties of this product and often purchase several mattresses at once, placing them on one bed.

Important! How advisable it is to place two mattresses on one bed at once - one hard, the other soft - can only be judged by the Americans who sleep on them. According to Russians who moved to the United States for permanent residence, this is an unjustified and useless waste of money.

But three rather thick layers significantly add height to an already rather large bed. There is even a joke about the fact that people have to use special ladders or stools in order to comfortably climb into a sleeping place. This is unlikely to be relevant for people, but for pets, who are allowed to sleep on the bed with their owners, it is a necessary thing.

mattresses in the USA

Why put three mattresses at once?

Citizens of the United States of America are highly susceptible to advertising. Manufacturers claim that a rigid frame is needed for the spine and joints. However, sleeping on a hard surface is very uncomfortable, so a variety of thinner types of mattresses are available that can provide a comfortable night's rest.

Thus, three layers are needed:

  • the first, most voluminous - to ensure the rigidity of the bed;
  • the second, less voluminous, softer - for ease of relaxation;
  • the third is a thin covering on the top mattress, so that a person can sleep as comfortably as possible.

This is why three layers are laid on the bed at once. I’m not sure that this design brings too many benefits to the spine, but marketing is no joke. Americans are very gullible and blindly believe advertising brochures.

mattresses in the USA

It should be noted that not all Americans enjoy such “pies” on their beds. Many simply cannot afford such luxury and are content with two or even one regular mattress.

Comments and feedback:

The author has little idea of ​​the mattress industry in Russia, there are many thousands of varieties and, unlike America, most of them are in stock with delivery today or the production and delivery time is 1-2 days.
High beds historically came from those times when heating was by stoves and rooms were poorly heated near the floor and the presence of parasitic insects was widespread.
And yes, the mattress and bed business is very successful. And the noodles on customers’ ears are cooked the same way for all countries.
Good luck in choosing a mattress!


    If it's a matter of altitude. wouldn't it be easier to make the legs of the bed higher? Your logic is strange. Do you think heating was different in Japan and there were no insects? But still they sleep on the floor.


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