Do the household items we use have an expiration date?

Do common things we use every day have an expiration date? For example, your favorite slippers? At first glance, this is a strange question. It seems to us that the shelf life is the time that the slippers will be intact. This opinion is completely wrong. It turns out that after just six months there is a risk of developing a fungus! And other things have a safe use period! After its expiration, the item may lose its properties. We'll tell you what these deadlines are and where to get information about them.

Important! The expiration date is set by the manufacturer. This way it indicates when a product may become unsafe.

Lifespan of home textiles and bedding

It is unlikely that you will be able to find an expiration date on packages of home textiles. They are covered by the concept "warranty term". This is the period during which you can make a claim to the manufacturer about the quality of the product.

There is also standardization documents, establishing indicators of product durability. You can spend more than one hour studying laws and GOSTs to find answers to many questions.But not a single regulatory act will say a word about when a pillow will turn into a paradise for dust mites.

Pillow blanket


Here it is better to rely on popular experience. Do you remember episodes from old fairy tales and films: pillows “frying” in the sun, women washing down and feathers? In this mode, the pillow can be used for years 10.

Important! Without regular washing, after just two to three years, the pillow becomes hazardous to health.

And the human body reacts to dust mites with hives, sneezing, watery eyes and even suffocation. The most serious problems arise against the background of weakened immunity.


You won’t have to part with the blanket as quickly. Approximately 7 for years it will serve “faithfully and truly.” Mites and their excrement will then make up a significant portion of the blanket's mass.

Reference! Washing, airing, and drying significantly slow down the aging process and increases the service life of the blanket up to 10 years.

Bed sheets

Bed sheets

The textiles we use while sleeping and relaxing are washed much more often. But Even after washing in hot water, not all microscopic parasites leave their usual place. Therefore, it is better not to neglect the advice of dermatologists and allergists. And they think like this: sheets and pillowcases need to be ironed! And of course, wash as often as possible.

Period of safe use of cosmetics

Even if the cosmetics have not been used, if they have been opened for a long time, this is a reason to throw them in the trash!



What danger does it contain? pomade, bought a couple of years ago? Of course, no one forbids her to paint her lips. But you have to be prepared for the unexpected. For example, to the fact that your lips will become plump without investment!


Old mascara no less dangerous.Conjunctivitis, pain in the eyes and lacrimation - all this can be a consequence of such makeup.

Important! Eyelashes can be colored for 3-4 months after opening the tube of mascara. You can’t use one mascara for a whole year!

Especially if the carcass contains petroleum products and preservatives. These substances, in contact with the surface of the eyes, cause irritation.

Powder and sponges

Sponges serve as long as powder? Yes, if the powder runs out in six months. Not if the powder lasts longer. In this case, you need to visit the store and choose a new sponge.

Perfume and eau de toilette

Perfume, eau de toilette

When going shopping at a cosmetics store, you need to inspect the dressing table. Are the spirits 3 years old? Are they still in the original packaging? It's time to throw it away anyway.

Important! Open perfumes and eau de toilette “live” no more than 2 years. Perfume in undamaged packaging retains its properties for 4 years.


Usually purchased before the summer season cream for protection from solar radiation. However, bad luck - the summer turned out to be cool. Can I use sunscreen after a year? Yes, if no more than two years have passed since its release. This is how long they provide maximum protection.


This is a separate topic. Long-haired ladies know how difficult it is to choose the right comb. Therefore, having found the ideal one, we are ready to use it forever. But you can't! Since endless washing does not save you from dirt and harmful bacteria.

Reference! A year is the period that the comb has in store.

Shelf life of household items in the kitchen and bathroom

What about those objects and substances that help us keep our home clean?

In the kitchen and bathroom

Household chemicals

Representatives of the older generation have a “genetic” habit of making strategic reserves of household chemicals: powders, bleaches, cleaning products. No such habit? And you don’t need to get one!

Important! Modern household chemicals are effective for about 3 months after opening the container. Then they quickly lose their “abilities”.


But sponges for washing dishes can be purchased for future use, but not used. As soon as the sponge begins to be used for its intended purpose, the period of safe use begins from that moment.

Important! The shelf life of a sponge that you use to wash dishes is only two weeks! Then fungus and mold settle on them.

It is impossible to get them out! Even after boiling, a huge number of microorganisms remain inside.

Body washcloths

Bathing sponges last much longer. It is recommended to use them entirely six months and even longer, provided that the washcloth is made of a material that can be boiled.


Another indispensable attribute of the bathroom is towel. It too must be replaced frequently!

Important! Even with good care, the shelf life of towels does not exceed three years.

The reasons are the same as for washcloths - humidity, which is an ideal environment for the development and reproduction of mold fungi.


It’s worth taking a closer look at your toothbrush. How many months ago was it opened? More than three? Change it! Do this after the flu, as well as after sanitizing your teeth, to eliminate the risk of recurrent disease.

Do clothes and shoes have an expiration date?

Clothes and shoes

If someone values ​​a pair of shoes as a memory, then well, let them stay.

Important! The actual shelf life and operation of shoes directly depends on the material, production and storage conditions.

High quality shoes, leather inside and out, will last up to 15 years. You must understand that such shoes are very expensive.

Most often we deal with shoes that after 3–4 years it loses strength and elasticity. If we talk about shoes from synthetic materials, here the terms are significantly lower - 1–2 years.

The most controversial issue is sneakers. Usually after a year they still look quite presentable. But appearance is not the main thing. Something else is important here. If translated into the language of motorists - mileage. The sneakers cope with the shock absorption function for 500 kilometers, then the joints begin to receive additional stress. It is even more often recommended for athletes to change their sneakers.

When treated with care, clothing lasts as long as its owner wants. This statement is true for outerwear. When it comes to underwear, the issue is resolved from the standpoint of hygiene and comfort.

Important! As soon as the underwear begins to press, rub or stretch somewhere, it’s time to stop wearing it.

Good quality underwear lasts for a year or a year and a half, Chinese underwear depends on your luck.

Is it a pity and a shame to part with your favorite items, comfortable shoes? Alas, nothing lasts forever, everything has its time.

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Washing machines

Vacuum cleaners

Coffee makers