Bedroom design with mirrors

mirrorMirrors in the bedroom are still a controversial issue: for some people it is vital, while others believe in superstitions that say you should not sleep in front of a mirror. But in the modern world, convenience plays a more important role than beliefs. However, you can combine convenience and folk traditions. How?

The pros and cons of mirrors in the bedroom


  1. You can put yourself in order immediately after waking up.
  2. Those who like to apply various creams to their face before going to bed and do other cosmetic procedures will not have to leave the room to do this.
  3. Mirrors visually enlarge the room, which is especially important for small apartments.
  4. Since in most modern apartments the bedroom not only plays the role of a sleeping area, but also serves as a dressing room, because the closet with clothes is usually located here. The mirror here will help you create your image right away: evaluate the combination of makeup and hairstyle with clothes, and, if necessary, change clothes and correct something.


  1. If a mirror is next to the bed, then problems may arise with falling asleep, since a person can see his moving reflection and subconsciously perceive it as a “stranger,” which has a somewhat negative effect on the psyche (perhaps this factor is why superstitions appeared).
  2. Those people who believe in omens may constantly worry about having a mirror in the bedroom, so it is better for them not to place it in this room.
  3. Psychologists also say that constant uncontrolled flickering of glare, which is caused by mirror surfaces, is unacceptable in the bedroom - a place of relaxation and peace - due to constant tension. This can cause the development of phobias. Therefore, it is better to place lamps next to the mirror, and not opposite it.
  4. Due to an unsuccessfully placed huge mirror, a person may feel that he is not alone in the room, and this is not conducive to relaxation.

The location of the mirror in the bedroom

miniature mirrorsThe placement of mirrors in a room depends on its size, the arrangement of furniture and the requirements of the people living in it. Since the main disadvantage of a mirror in the bedroom is that it can interfere with peace and sound sleep, it is not advisable to place it so that it reflects the bed. If this cannot be avoided, you can hang decorative curtains on the sides to cover the reflection at night.

Traditionally, mirrors in the bedroom are located either at the dressing table or on the closet door (it happens that there is both). To visually enlarge the space, the mirror should be positioned so that the largest area and preferably the most beautiful part of it are reflected. This means that a reflective hanger with clothes or other similar household details is a bad option, but a wall decorated with paintings and photographs or a window whose window sill is filled with indoor plants will make the bedroom more comfortable.
In bedroom design, it is better to avoid rectangular frames; it is better to use soft smooth lines.


mirror above the bedAt first glance, large mirrors are not needed in the bedroom - the standard size found in dressing tables is sufficient. But many people buy cabinets where one door is already equipped with a floor-to-ceiling mirror. This scale is not a good solution for a bedroom; it is better to leave it for the hallway.

In the bedroom, the best option is a small to medium-sized mirror. But if a person puts himself in order in this particular room, then larger options with mirrors are also acceptable. In this case, floor models are well suited for the bedroom; they will not only fulfill their purpose, but will also be an element of the design of the room.

Recommendations for design and decoration

Mirrors should look harmonious in the interior. Depending on the overall style of the room, you should choose a mirror for it. But it should be remembered that heavy carved frames visually reduce space, so they rarely look good in ordinary apartments. For a mirror to act as a “magnifier”, you should pay attention to neutral frames that are not decorated with carvings or patterns. Metal options or those that match the color of the background on which the mirror is located are best suited for this purpose.
mirrors on the closetWhen placing a mirror, you should pay attention to light sources. Both visual perception and the convenience of putting yourself in order depend on this. Many people know the trick of clothing stores, where the lighting at the entrance mirrors is arranged so that a person sees himself in a worse form than he really is, but in fitting rooms the situation is the opposite - it seems that a potential buyer looks great in any clothes.
With this in mind, you should make sure that the reflection in your home mirror is not distorted.To achieve this, the mirror must either receive sufficient light from the window. For the dark time of the day you need to make artificial lighting. It is best to use two fluorescent lamps on both sides. You can purchase special lamps that can change color if necessary - with this you can create a romantic atmosphere in the bedroom.
Thus, a mirror in the bedroom, despite prejudice, is a popular and necessary element. It performs several useful functions and is also an important element of the interior from a decorative point of view. To choose the best option, you should take into account general tips and personal requirements, making the room as comfortable as possible.

Comments and feedback:

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