10 reasons in the house that can make you constantly sick

A good housewife always has a clean house. This is how our mothers and grandmothers taught us. After all, they used to spend a lot of time cleaning, cooking and washing. But the life of women of the last century is different from the life of modern women.

Today, work is added to a woman’s household responsibilities. And it’s not always possible to do everything at once. In addition, psychologists say that a woman is, first of all, a person and an individual, and it’s okay if a pile of dirty dishes accumulates in the sink during the day. In the evening he will wash himself.

But there are places in the house whose cleanliness is important for even the busiest housewife to carefully monitor. Otherwise, frequent or long-term illnesses of the entire family will not keep you waiting. Or maybe this has already happened?


Danger lurks where you least expect it. But of course there are obvious things, for example – smoking. A cleaning assistant can turn into an enemy of health. Sometimes pollution that leads to disease is not visible, at least with the naked eye. Therefore, it is important to read the list once and remember it. And the main thing is to take at least small actions to solve the issue of cleanliness. It definitely won’t take much time, but the benefits are enormous.

Not fresh bedding

Tormented by eczema, seasonal allergies and other skin inflammations? Wash your bed linen more often.Scientists have found that a person loses 15 grams of dead skin per week. This skin remains on the sheets, where dust mites often live. For these guys, dead skin is a real delicacy. And they are not going to voluntarily leave the tasty morsel, that is, dirty sheets.

dirty bed

The waste products of dust mites are a real allergen. They cause allergies and skin problems. The prospects are not bright. Therefore, do not be lazy to throw bedding into the machine once a week. And don't forget to set the temperature to 60 degrees. Dust guests will definitely not like this.

Vents, ventilation

How often do you clean your vents? But it would be necessary to check it more often and regularly for the presence of mold. Scientists still cannot come to an agreement, arguing about the dangers of dust for human health. But ventilation is designed to ventilate the room, and the benefit of airing through dusty ventilation is questionable.


Nobody says that it needs to be cleaned every day. But occasionally you need to check its cleanliness. To prevent the accumulation of dust and mold. Almost everyone knows about the dangers of the latter.

Old vacuum cleaner

Nothing gets rid of crumbs in the carpet like a vacuum cleaner. 10 minutes is enough to vacuum a one-room apartment. And today it’s hard to imagine cleaning without this assistant. But there is a catch here - you also need to clean up after it.

dirty vacuum cleaner

We are talking about old equipment or a vacuum cleaner with a dirty filter. During the cleaning process, such a unit collects dust from the floor and partially throws it into the air. Questionable cleaning, even if this is followed by washing the floors.

Dust can accumulate harmful particles, and when operating an old unit, we immediately inhale them. Hence allergies and illnesses for no reason.If it is not possible to replace the assistant with a new model, give it a thorough cleaning - replace the filters, wash all possible places with a damp sponge. And most importantly, do it more often.


Detergents are designed to help us. But only if they are of high quality and we know how to use them correctly. It has long been known that you need to wear gloves when washing dishes, windows, toilets and other interior items if you use chemical detergents for this.


Many of them may contain harmful components and cause skin irritation and even burns. Therefore, you should not neglect safety rules and skimp on gloves.

Mold in hidden places

Mold that is visible is not easy to remove even with the help of special products. What can we say about hidden mold? She can poison everyone in the household for years and not make herself known. Check the joints and corners of the wallpaper, the bathroom, especially narrow openings between the tiles, and the basement if it is a private house. It’s also worth looking under the baseboards, especially if your home is rarely ventilated or the ventilation system is malfunctioning.


To solve this problem, special products are sold with detailed instructions for use. Your task is to detect mold, remove it and prevent it from appearing again. And to do this, do not allow water to stagnate, and ventilate the house more often, even in winter.

REFERENCE! 1 square meter of mold produces several billion spores per day. They are thrown into the air and settle on walls and interior items. And we just breathe it all in.

Cigarette smoke, passive smoking

We know from school that smoking is harmful. But someone who is hooked on nicotine can ruin more than just their health. Passive smoking is much more dangerous.Inhaling cigarette smoke, which contains about 70 carcinogenic compounds, can lead to at least asthma. Children are especially susceptible to this.

cigarette smoke

Therefore, if there is a smoker in your family, everyone else unwittingly becomes passive. Even if they smoke on the balcony, smoke still enters the apartment through the cracks, just like air.

IMPORTANT! Carcinogens are substances in the environment and food that increase the likelihood of malignant tumors.

Dirty refrigerator

We carefully monitor the cleanliness of the dishes, kitchen table and stove. And we often forget about the refrigerator. Outwardly it may look clean, but where food is stored there cannot be only external cleanliness. It is important to remove bacteria and invisible contaminants.

Wipe the shelves and drawers of the refrigerator with a baking soda solution once a week. And do a general cleaning at least once a month. And do not forget about the proximity of goods - do not put raw products on the same shelf with ready-made ones, and washed fruits with unwashed ones. And yes, have a special place for eggs.

dirty refrigerator

IMPORTANT! Do not store eggs on the refrigerator door. The temperature there is higher than on the shelves. And on the lower shelves it is lower than on the upper ones. At high temperatures, eggs have a shorter shelf life. The ideal place is the bottom shelf. First, get a special tray with a lid to make it easier to get them out.

Bath mat

A bath mat is an irreplaceable thing. It’s more pleasant to stand on it with your bare feet after a shower than on cold tiles. But if you step on the mat with wet feet, you risk mold and pathogenic bacteria. After all, the material instantly absorbs moisture, but does not dry so quickly.

bath mat

Dry your feet before stepping on the mat.And don’t forget to wash in hot water – at least once a month.

Dander and animal hair

Yes, pets have dandruff too. These are pieces of dead skin and often remain on fabric furniture or carpets. This dandruff, together with the fur, can cause allergies.

animal dander

To minimize unpleasant symptoms, wash the floor more often and wipe off dust with a damp sponge.

Old paint

Peeling paint is not aesthetically pleasing. And if it is also old, it is possible that it contains harmful chemical impurities. After all, modern paint goes through a lot of control before it hits your walls. Previously, many harmful components were simply not known.

old paint

If there is an opportunity to make repairs, do not hesitate. And when choosing a paint, carefully study its composition.

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Washing machines

Vacuum cleaners

Coffee makers