May transplantation of chrysanthemums

The perennial flower - chrysanthemum - does not like to sit in one place for a long time: at least once every three years, it requires replanting. The best time for such work is the end of May-beginning of June. At the same time, young seedlings are also planted, which will allow the bushes to take root well before the autumn frosts and stock up on strength for winter.

Rooted chrysanthemum cuttings

Selecting a location

Chrysanthemum does not like shadows - the light-loving plant will grow and bloom only in an area illuminated for at least 5 hours a day. If the bushes do not receive enough light, the stems will thin out and become brittle. The inflorescences will also be smaller. But places where moisture stagnates are also not suitable for flower bushes.

Choose a well-lit area for planting with light, moisture-permeable soil.. Without sufficient ventilation, chrysanthemums may die in winter.

Attention! For spring replanting of flower bushes, prepare the soil in the fall - dig up the bed, adding humus or phosphorus-potassium fertilizer.

Transplanting chrysanthemums

If you kept flowers in pots in winter, about a week before planting in open ground you need to take them out and put them in a warm place. When landing, follow the rules:

  • the distance between tall bushes is at least 0.5 m, between short bushes – up to 25 cm;
  • place sand or drainage in the trench;
  • do not push the bush too deep into the soil;
  • Near tall plants, install a support to support the stems.

Attention! If frost is possible in the first days after transplantation, cover the young plants with non-woven material overnight.

Dividing a chrysanthemum bush

Features of bush division

Chrysanthemums are divided in autumn or spring. To do this, after digging up a bush, use a sharp knife or manually divide the rhizome so that one or two developed buds remain on the young plants. After planting, watering is required. For quick rooting, it is best to support the chrysanthemum with “Kornevin”.

If you got cuttings

To obtain a cutting from a bush, use a sharp knife to cut off the shoot. The cuttings should have one or two internodes. Place the shoots in a container with fertile soil, deepening them 2.5-3 cm into the soil. Water and spray them. When the first roots appear, the seedlings can be transplanted into open ground. And these works are usually carried out in May.

If you started seeding

Growing chrysanthemums from seeds is more difficult. Typically, this propagation method is used for small-flowered varieties. Seeds are sown in February, in shallow boxes filled with fertile soil. Place them on the surface of the soil and slightly deepen them - no more than 1 cm. Cover the boxes with film and place them in a warm place.

Chrysanthemum seedlings in pots

Until the shoots appear (in 7-10 days), the film must be periodically opened to ventilate and spray the soil. It is necessary to pick the chrysanthemum when the first true leaves appear. After this, the young shoots are moved to a darker and cooler (less than 23 degrees) place.

Before transplanting into open ground, seedlings need to be hardened off by periodically exposing them to air - first for 15 minutes, gradually increasing the time. By the end of May, young bushes move to a permanent place. In the first week, protection from night temperature changes is necessary.

Garden chrysanthemum decorates many flower beds and home areas. Caring for it is not difficult, but the bright flowers delight the eye until late autumn. For this reason, the chrysanthemum is called the autumn queen of the garden.

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