How to choose a chain for a chainsaw: look, compare and select the best

The question “how to choose a chain for a chainsaw” is asked not only by beginners, but also by professionals with experience and practice. This is because there are hundreds of models of chains in the store, but which one will exactly fit the chainsaw is not immediately clear. Especially for this, we decided to find out how to choose a chain for a chainsaw from experts. We have posted the information in our article. Make yourself comfortable, we're starting!

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How to determine the chain pitch - the most important criterion for determining the correct model

Marking a consumable by its pitch is the main parameter for understanding what to install on which device. The pitch of a chainsaw chain is the closest distance between the teeth or rivets. The parameter is measured in inches (1 inch is approximately 2.54 cm).

The most common pitch options are 0.325, 0.375 and 0.404. Each option is designed strictly for your needs. Read the chainsaw's instructions to understand the structure of its chain.

Each model is developed for specific sizes, except for professional ones. The latter are compatible with all size options at once.

The performance of a gasoline saw directly depends on the pitch. The smaller it is, the lower the performance of the device - less effort is required to cut the part. The larger the step, the greater the chainsaw’s productivity per unit of time, but it also requires more physical effort to operate it.

Let's look at the characteristics of each model separately:

  • A chain of 0.325″ is the minimum pitch for work at home or in a workshop. Suitable for semi-professional chainsaw models. This step size is comparable to an engine power of 3.5 hp. For more powerful models, setting a minimum size is not recommended.

Also consider the location of work and the dimensions of the part being cut. For small wood, using the “minimum setting” will ensure smooth and fast movement, which cannot be said when working with thick branches.

  • The 0.375″ chain is a popular option among chainsaws. Engine power for such a step is up to 4 hp. A similar option is used for medium-sized trees and is inserted into household and professional gasoline-powered saws.
  • Chain 0.404″ – chain only for professional devices. An engine of at least 5.5 hp is required for operation. Only with this indicator will the tool be productive and more or less economical.

For low-power saws, the widest pitch is not an option. In chainsaws for such a chain, the engine itself is designed for high torque. Without it, it is difficult not only for the saw, but also for the master.

Chain sizes are the main criterion when selecting consumables for your tool. The next section will contain equally important, but not so “authoritative” characteristics.

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Types of chains by link thickness

The second most important characteristic of the saw part is its thickness. The fact is that the groove on the working tire of the tool has a different size, so each chain is tailored for a specific tire. We present to you the 5 most popular options: 0.043″, 0.05″, 0.058″, 0.063″ and 0.08″. Below are the characteristics of each of them:

  1. 0.043″ – for low-power saws. They are found for tires in the “household” category, so they are suitable only for light loads.
  2. 0.05″ – the option is slightly larger than the first. Not much different from the starting version, although the size is the most popular among chainsaws. Such circuits are balanced and are inserted into household and semi-professional devices.
  3. 0.058″ – for professional and medium-power chainsaws. In second place in popularity.
  4. 0.063″ – a strong link for a professional tool.
  5. 0.08″ – for long-term work with heavy loads. For professional category devices.

Summary: select a chain model based on the pitch length and thickness relative to the category of your tool. You can learn about the characteristics of the chainsaw from the instructions. And if it doesn’t exist, then the Internet is full of scanned ones for any model of gasoline saw. Google and analyze the information. Good luck!

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