How to distinguish Shtil 180 original from a fake? Expert advice
What else can I say if everyone has at least once experienced such an unpleasant event as receiving a counterfeit. It seems like a trusted store - I always buy everything there, but the Chinese “I don’t know what” arrived. Some are rude to managers on websites, others write negative reviews to the original manufacturers, as if they are responsible for the fact that the person did not look at the appearance of the equipment and its technical passport. Both the first and second will be wrong, because stores often give space to other sellers to sell goods. Chainsaws are no exception.
The Shtil company produces truly high-quality products. However, there are dozens of such fakes, if not more. Our article will help you figure out where the Shtil is the original and where the fake is.
The content of the article
Why is Stihl chainsaws so popular among counterfeits?
The devices of the reviewed manufacturer differ in a lot of characteristics, including:
- high productivity rates in practice;
- vibration damping system allows you to hold the saw firmly and confidently;
- additional safety in the form of a brake that slows down the chainsaw links in the event of a sharp impact;
- adjustment of the course and functionality are thought out to the smallest detail;
- the main feature that many manufacturers cannot compete with is an exceptionally smooth ride;
- build quality and availability of components;
- warranty service, which may not be useful for the entire life of the chainsaw.
It is not surprising that counterfeits on the side are increasingly appearing, and now it is critically important to know the answer to the question: “How to distinguish Chinese Shtil from the original?” We will tell you in detail below.
How to distinguish an original Shtil chainsaw from a fake
If you are definitely not going to buy a fake instrument for the same price, it is worth remembering a few fundamental features that will allow you to distinguish the original Shtil from a fake. Description of the characteristics of the Shtil chainsaw:
- All tools from the manufacturer have their own serial number and warranty card. Marking is the first thing that can immediately distinguish an original Shtil from a fake. As a standard, the company's models have several serial numbers on different parts of the body. They all must be identical. For example, STIHL stamps the serial code just below the muffler (for example, on the MS 180), sometimes you can see it to the left of the muffler, right in front of the stop. This can be clearly seen in the professional line of chainsaws.
- If we have already taken up the review of chainsaws from STIHL, then all of them have a mandatory parameter of originality - an embossed STIHL logo on the muffler, as well as the serial number of this muffler.
- Also pay attention to the body of the tool: immediately under the muffler there should be a sticker indicating the serial number and the country where the chainsaw was manufactured. Chinese fakes will have their own sticker or even complete the saws without it.
- Here's another point on how to distinguish a fake Stihl - the box. It must have a presentable appearance and also be equipped with serial numbers, a company logo and a barcode indicating the place of production.Some applications on your phone can read such codes. Don’t be lazy, install it on your phone and check the originality of your saw.
- All original Stihl devices are necessarily supplied with a branded Stihl tire and additional equipment, which you can read about on the official dealer’s website. It is worth noting the fact that the requirements for components must be met by all official sellers of products. That is, Shtil has separately developed rules by which you can sell their equipment: if you go to 2-3 stores and find the same model with different spare parts, you have found a fake.
How to distinguish Chinese Shtil 180 from the original
The MS-180 sawing device is a common model not only among avid craftsmen and gardeners, but also among those who like to make “palm”. The technical capabilities of the fake Shtil 180 leave much to be desired, although the price is not different at all.
How to distinguish Shtil 180 original from a fake:
- The dimensions of the original tire in the MS-180 model are 30-35 cm. Counterfeits are produced with larger tire sizes - from 40 cm.
- The garage-made body has unevenness and roughness. Anyone who has ever ordered from Aliexpress will definitely recognize such a defect.
- The air filter is “punched” with the product serial number and the company logo.
- The tire of the product must have a STIHL laser engraving, while Chinese ones do not have it at all or it is blurred.
- The rivets of the Chinese creation are painted completely to match the color of the tire.
- The MS-180 model does not have a separate hole on the tire for sprocket lubrication.
How to distinguish real Stihl oil from a fake
High-quality oil is the key to the productivity of the device. You want to use the saw all the time without repairs?! Therefore, the Shtil company recommends filling only with branded oil.There were some counterfeits here too.
In order not to be left without money and a chainsaw, choose the right lubricant for the fuel fluid. Here are a few signs of a fake:
- Real motor oil from the company is supplied to the store in sealed caps. If one is not found, then there are two options: someone sells the defective product or quietly drains some of the liquid.
- The inscriptions must be convex.
- The original has the EAC quality mark.
- The bottling date and batch number are on the lid of the product.
A clear sign of counterfeit products is a bad sticker-label, worn out inscriptions or their absence at all.