How does a grafting pruner work?
Grafting plants in a garden plot helps improve the taste of fruits, make them more resistant to diseases and external influences, and sometimes develop new varieties. This is easier to do with the help of a special tool. Some gardeners consider it a whim, not recognizing the enormous benefits of the tool.
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Grafting pruner: what is it?
Special scissors differ from their counterparts in the special configuration of their blades. When processing trees and shrubs, perfect branch separation. Later they are connected.
The cut is smooth and consistent, which is extremely important for grafting.
Configurations are divided into:
- U-shaped - universal, often used for grafting fruit trees in the garden, branch thickness - no more than 11 mm.
- The V-cut is used for shrubs and young shoots no more than 6 mm in diameter.
- Omega is used for dense wood, ensuring maximum adherence of the scion and rootstock.
You should choose pruners taking into account the tasks on the site. When purchasing, you should pay attention to the blades, handles and spring. The holders are made of lightweight material with an anti-slip coating, the knives are always made of high-carbon or alloy steel. The spring must be strong, as it is responsible for the ease of movement. The most popular are tape ones.
How to vaccinate correctly?
We suggest choosing the optimal season for adding plants.Usually this is early spring, when sap flow has not yet begun, or a month before the onset of sub-zero temperatures in the fall.
The process itself is simple and accessible even to novice gardeners:
- Trim the scion and rootstock, making sure they fit together easily.
- Place them next to each other and treat them with garden varnish to speed up healing.
- Wrap the grafting site with rope or tape. This will prevent detachment during strong winds.
After a couple of weeks, you need to check the vaccination. If the scion has dried out or rotted, remove it from the junction and treat it with garden varnish. Subsequently, vaccination is allowed no earlier than the next season.