What is a pitchfork
Any gardener or owner of a plot of land has a set of tools that allows him to properly care for the territory. There is enough work - the site needs to be dug up, weeds, garbage, etc. are removed. One type of gardening tool is a pitchfork. Let's figure out what they are and how to use them correctly.
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What kind of tool is a pitchfork, what do they look like, what are they made of, their characteristics
A fork is a garden tool, the design of which allows you to facilitate the work associated with digging up tubers. The soil passes between the tines and the roots are captured. Unlike a shovel, a pitchfork does less damage to plants. This is due to the presence of teeth, which are more gentle on the soil. A shovel cuts everything that is in the ground.
Forks are fairly sharp tools, so safety precautions must be observed when working with them.
There are various types of this tool depending on the design. There are models specifically for gardening, options for moving manure, or specialized types suitable for harvesting hay.
The simplest model consists of cuttings, on which the working part of the inventory is fixed. It includes straight or curved teeth. They are connected to each other by a fixed crossbar.
The principle of operation involves easy penetration into the plant mass, including soil, hay, and moving it to the desired place.
Forks are divided into types and may differ in design from each other. Models whose purpose presupposes the presence of slightly concave teeth, and the handle, on the contrary, is curved in the opposite direction. This design prevents the tool from turning over in your hands during operation.
Types of forks are divided according to the following characteristics:
- Shape and number of teeth. This indicator depends on the purpose of the inventory. The classic type has 4 teeth, slightly curved and round in cross-section, pointed towards the end. Their number can be from 3 to 7 pieces. There are types that only have 2 prongs. The sharp models are good at pricking objects, and the balls at the end are used for digging up root vegetables so as not to damage them. Carrying models have flat teeth.
- Material. The working area can be forged or welded. The raw material is high-carbon steel with a special coating that can resist corrosion or stainless steel. But on the market you can find plastic options. The handle is made of wood. As a rule, oak, ash or birch are used. You can get a lighter structure thanks to aluminum alloy.
Forks also vary in size. The average weight of equipment varies from 1.5 to 2 kg.
What are pitchforks for: tips for use
This type of equipment is intended for earthworks, as well as loading and unloading. It allows you to dig up the soil, remove hay and debris, carry manure, dig up root crops, and more. No soil sticks to the teeth, which greatly simplifies the work.
Many people use a tool instead of a shovel.It was noted that forks are more suitable for some types of work due to their more gentle effect on the soil and fruits.
The tool is used for almost all processes on a land plot. For small areas, standard hand forks can be used. Large areas are processed using special models installed on equipment.
Some manufacturers produce forks in parts. The tines and stem are sold separately. This was done so that customers themselves could select inventory items to suit their individual preferences.