How long does it take for a semi-dry and dry floor screed to dry: can it be dried with a heated floor?

To the question of how long it takes for a semi-dry screed to dry, only an approximate answer can be given. As a rule, the process takes 2-3 weeks, but sometimes there are delays of up to 1 month. What affects drying and whether it can be accelerated is described in detail in the material presented.

Drying speed

It is difficult to say how long it takes for a semi-dry floor screed to dry, because this process is influenced by various factors. One of the main ones is the layer thickness:

  • if it is 40-50 mm, which is the standard value for many cases, you need to wait 14-18 days;
  • if the layer is 70-80 mm, you will have to wait 3 weeks, i.e. 20-24 days;
  • if 100 mm, i.e. 10 cm, optimally wait 4 weeks, i.e. whole month.

The layer should harden gradually. Therefore, there is no need to doubt whether it is possible to dry the screed with a warm floor. In fact, it is better to wait until the moisture evaporates naturally. Optimal conditions are normal room temperature 20-24 degrees and moderate humidity up to 60%. It is for these parameters that the drying times are described.

How long does it take for a semi-dry screed to dry?

When planning the installation of a warm dry floor, you need to take into account that its complete hardening is achieved in 2-4 weeks, depending on the thickness of the layer, temperature and other conditions. Moreover, the process occurs in several stages:

  1. After 12 hours, the layer begins to dry out and harden. This is already enough to withstand foot traffic, i.e. You can walk on this floor if necessary.
  2. After 2-3 days, the surface becomes approximately 70% durable.
  3. Further drying occurs more slowly, as moisture evaporates from the deeper layers. Therefore, the remaining preparation takes several weeks - on average from 2 to 3, i.e. 15-20 days.

What determines the drying speed?

Knowing what a dry screed for a heated floor is and how it is designed, you can guess what exactly the rate of moisture evaporation depends on. This process is influenced by several factors:

  1. Substrate – the coating dries fastest on a wooden base.
  2. Method of preparing the solution - you must carefully follow all proportions according to the instructions and do not pour too much water.
  3. Microclimate in the room - the less humid the air and the higher the temperature, the faster the process. Drying the screed with a heated floor is carried out only in a natural way - the use of additional equipment is undesirable.
  4. The number of layers - the smaller it is, the faster the process goes. But in any case, the screed must be at least 30-40 mm to ensure sufficient strength. Therefore, you will have to wait at least 10-15 days for it to dry completely.

Installation of warm dry floor

Is it possible to speed up the process?

Dry heated floors can be made in different ways. For example, if you use a purely dry screed, you should not wait until it dries, since such a coating is ready almost immediately. If we are talking about semi-dry technology, the time frame will be, as mentioned above, about 2-3 weeks or a little longer.

Therefore, the question arises as to whether it is possible to speed up the drying process. It is possible to do this, but it is better to use the natural method. Otherwise, moisture evaporates unevenly, which can lead to several negative consequences:

  • cracking of layers;
  • lack of sufficient strength;
  • unevenness and other surface defects.

But if you need to speed up the process, this can be done partly if, for example, you use heat guns. The main goal is to warm the air and dry it so that the floor releases as much moisture as possible. Moreover, the guns can only be aimed upward, and not at the surface itself. They should work no more than 8-10 hours a day.

You should also think about whether it is possible to fill floors in winter. In fact, you can work at different temperatures, but not at negative temperatures. So, already at -6OThe sand begins to freeze and essentially turn into stone. Drying in such conditions will also be very slow. It is optimal to start laying in the warm season, and then wait a few weeks until it hardens completely.

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