Plasterboard finishing


Plasterboard finishing has been used for a long time. Some time ago, sheets of drywall were called “dry plaster.” Finishing of premises using this material is carried out much faster and with better quality. Even in a conventional log house, the use of dry plaster can reduce the work time by several times. Of course, you should follow all the rules and regulations that are presented in the technological instructions.

Benefits of drywall

Plasterboard finishing is not used in rooms with high humidity. Perhaps this is the only limitation that characterizes the scope of its application. In terms of the labor costs required when working with this material, it is no different from other finishing materials. Be it plastic panels or the same siding. At the same time, its cost is significantly lower than the listed materials. To these characteristics should be added its complete environmental friendliness and high manufacturability. Working with drywall does not require extensive experience in construction and repair work.

Features of plasterboard finishing

When it comes to finishing with drywall, some skills in carrying out repair work will not be superfluous. The essence of the installation work is to secure sheets of material to the walls and ceiling. In a wooden house, the sheets can be fixed directly to the wall. Pre-mark the places where the sheets will be located and nail them with nails with large heads. You can also use screws for fastening.In brick houses, fastening is carried out differently. Drywall sheets are attached to a special frame. The frame, in turn, can be made of timber or slats. In many cases, a metal frame is used. But the essence of the procedure remains the same.

In rooms with concrete walls, plasterboard finishing can be done without using a frame. The sheets are simply glued to the wall. In any case, before starting work, it is necessary to prepare the surfaces of the walls and ceiling. Determine the method by which the sheets will be attached. Stock up on the required amount of material and fasteners. After all the work on fixing the drywall is completed, the walls can be painted or wallpapered.

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