Which roller to paint the ceiling with

Any repair work requires responsibility from a person. Including at the stage of inventory selection. To paint the ceiling, you will need a roller, with which you can easily and beautifully cover the surface with paint. But how to choose the right tool? I’ll say right away that the best universal choice is considered to be products made from natural materials, but even they differ from each other. Therefore, in this article we will talk about the subtleties that will help you make the right choice when buying a tool.

ceiling paint roller

Which roller is best to paint the ceiling?

I will note the points that will help you make a choice:

  • Fur coat made from natural materials. However, its length should not be short. Otherwise, you will have to dip it in paint too often, which will greatly increase the working time and color consumption.
  • Try not to purchase foam rollers. They can leave untidy bubbles on the ceiling.
  • The handle of the tool is not long. Otherwise, it will be inconvenient for them to work. The optimal length is 20–25 cm.

Prepare the surface on which you will roll the roller in advance to remove excess paint. This will help you make a beautiful renovation without leaving streaks.

ceiling paint roller

Types of paint rollers

There are many types of working tools. The main thing is not to get lost in this diversity:

  1. Painting — used for applying paint and varnish coating. The price depends on the material from which the fur coat is made. They, in turn, are divided into subtypes: universal, radiator, facade, corner, textured.
  2. Special - Suitable for any other tasks that arise during repairs.

Having assessed the scope of work, go to a specialized store and study the assortment. Surely, you can find everything you need there.

ceiling paint roller

Selection criteria

So, the modern market offers many rollers for purchase. Let's look at what you should pay attention to:

  • Material, from which the fur coat is made. It is worth choosing options made from natural fibers, such as sheepskin. Foam rubber ones will cost less, but you need to work with them much more carefully: stains may remain.
  • Length pile - try to choose options with a medium and long coat: this will make your work go much faster.
  • Size roller This determines how fast you paint. There is no point in buying a tool with a large roller if you need to paint a small part of the ceiling, and vice versa.

One way or another, be guided by the tasks that you set for yourself.

ceiling paint roller

Selecting a roller by type of paint

Remember that there are so many tools on the market for a reason. Each of them is designed to work with strictly defined material.

Which roller to paint the ceiling with water-based paint

If you choose this type, immediately stop working with foam rollers. Such tools absorb liquid too much, and its remains flow off them. They quickly become unusable, so you will have to replace several pieces during the repair.

Tools with natural bristles are ideal for water-based paint. Choose them with a medium-length fur coat, so they will not absorb excess dye.

Solvent paint roller

Products with natural pile are also preferable in this type of work. But it is not at all necessary to overpay when doing repairs. For such paints It is acceptable to use cheap foam tools. However, the savings are questionable, since during the painting of the ceiling they will have to be replaced several times due to rapid wear.

ceiling paint roller

Painting technology

Before starting work, you should protect the surrounding area to avoid contamination. To do this, use ordinary newspapers or special film.

You should also protect yourself by wearing a mask, gloves and work clothes. It is advisable to open the windows because the paint can be toxic.

Before starting the process, divide the painting area into several sections so that you can start working on each of them in turn. The roller is dipped into the paint and passed over an unnecessary surface, such as cardboard, to remove excess pigment. After this, painting begins.

It is important to apply strokes slightly diagonally so that each subsequent one neatly overlaps the previous one.

Now you know which roller to choose for painting the ceiling in an apartment. remember, that they don’t save on repairs. This will allow you to create a high-quality and attractive option the first time that will delight residents for many years.

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