Why you can’t give cutlery as a gift

You might think that a set of quality cutlery would be a great gift. But tradition warns: it cannot be presented! Why? Let's figure it out.

Why you can’t give cutlery as a gift

Why is it prohibited to give cutlery as a gift?

Sets of cutlery include large and small spoons, forks, and often knives. Items from such sets can lead to disappointment and failure. Or negatively influence the outcome of the work started.

Important! To avoid unpleasant consequences, esotericists recommend refraining from giving piercing and cutting objects.

And if you don’t take them into account, you have to admit: spoons, regardless of their number, are not a very interesting option for a gift. It is also better not to give them as a gift.


They were once very popular as gifts and were given for various holidays until the 19th century. Then they presented wooden, painted, personalized spoons. And rich people could afford expensive devices made of precious metals with inlay.


But gradually the tradition of giving spoons is gone. Today such a gift has a negative connotation.

Important! It is believed that the person who receives the spoon will slurp up problems.


Bad option for a gift! By accepting him into our home, we attract demons.


Important! All piercing and cutting objects have been used since ancient times by black magicians to inflict damage, curses, and break fate.


Esotericists associate fewer problems with forks than with knives. They often equate them with scissors and needles, which also should not be given as a gift.


Important! The interesting thing is that trouble awaits not only the person receiving the gifts, but also the giver.

Therefore, there is no need to try to annoy someone in this way. According to the boomerang law, all evil comes back a hundredfold.

Important! Church ministers do not pay attention to signs and interpretation of gifts. They believe that the intentions of the person giving are much more important.

A spoon that can be given as a gift

Despite the negative attitude towards cutlery as gifts, some spoons can be given to dear and loved ones. They will only bring good luck.


A newborn baby or child whose first tooth has erupted is often given a silver spoon. It has a lot of meaning, being protection and amulet.

by the tooth

  • From the evil eye, damage, bad tongues. Silver is considered the purest metal, which protects against evil spirits. It was the silver bullet that was used to destroy vampires.
  • From diseases. Silverware has a bactericidal effect. It will change the energy of water and food, help you gain strength and health.


You can also give a small spoon for money. Such a thing for a wallet is considered a useful souvenir. She symbolizes profit, opens the way to wealth, carries an exclusively positive meaning. It doesn't matter what material the item is made of.

for money

How to give cutlery without unwanted consequences

If you really want to give a dear friend, sister or other relatives a chic set of cutlery, then with the consent of the future owner It can be done. Just consider some nuances.

how to give correctly

  • Only new cutlery is provided. Inspect the set carefully. There should be no dents, defects, or scratches on forks, knives, spoons.
  • When donating new cutlery from the owner, you need take a coin. The denomination of the money does not matter. The purchase ceremony itself is important, thanks to which we remove the negative message from ourselves and the owner.

Whether or not to present table sets is up to everyone to decide for themselves. But it's important take into account the opinion of the person to whom they are presented. Keep in mind that impressionable people may consider all this a bad sign. They will be afraid of trouble and will want to get rid of the gift as quickly as possible. Such a gift can cause a breakup, understatement and other problems.

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