How to clean cupronickel silver cutlery

Cupronickel copes well with the role of an alternative to silverware. But it has one serious drawback - over time, cutlery made from this alloy becomes covered with patina, so their owners constantly have to worry about getting rid of dark stains. True, there is good news - it’s not difficult to clean nickel silver at home.

Cupronickel cutlery

Purchased funds

You can find it in any jewelry store special jewelry cleaning products. This can be powder, paste or even specially impregnated wet wipes. The only disadvantage of this option is that even thorough rinsing does not always prevent quite aggressive agents from entering the body.

It is for this reason that many people prefer to clean cupronickel sodium thiosulfate (can be purchased at a pharmacy). One part of this substance is diluted in three parts of water, then a cotton swab is moistened in the resulting solution, which is used to treat cutlery. After this, all that remains is to wait a few minutes, thoroughly rinse the cupronickel and wipe it dry.

No less effective and ammonia. But it has a serious drawback - a pungent odor.

Available means

If you don’t want to go in search of the necessary cleaning products to a store or pharmacy, you can find everything you need right in your kitchen. For example: food foil, baking soda and salt. The bottom of a pan (preferably aluminum) is covered with foil, into which a solution of salt, soda and boiling water is then poured (1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water).

Cupronickel silver cutlery is lowered into the resulting “bath”, which is first boiled over low heat for about a quarter of an hour, and then remains in the solution until it cools completely. What's wrong with the method? It is not suitable for items with patterns, silvering or gold plating.

Some housewives recommend boil cupronickel in a decoction of garlic or onion peels. Others prefer flood such cutlery hot water, in which eggs or potatoes were previously boiled, and leave overnight.

For those who do not believe in the effectiveness of such methods, it is recommended use a paste of soda or a paste of crushed chalk and vodka. A suede cloth is dipped in the chosen product, which is then used to rub the cutlery until the desired result is obtained.

Cupronickel cutlery

How to increase the time between cleanings

To keep cupronickel clean and shiny longer, it is recommended to rinse it in a soda solution (50 grams per liter of water) after each use, wipe it dry and store it away from high temperatures and humidity.

In the same case, if cupronickel silver cutlery is rarely used, it is recommended to store it by first wrapping it in cling film or foil. This little trick helps limit air access to the capricious alloy and, accordingly, slow down its oxidation.

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