The thermos glass that surprised the Russian President

For dishes to be talked about, they must appear in the hands of a famous person! The glass of Russian President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin confirms this. And if everything happens at a big international event, so much the better. The G20 summit, held in Osaka, came at just the right time. Let's try to figure out what kind of miracle of dishware was in the hands of the head of the Russian state.

The thermos glass that surprised the Russian President

The famous glass of the Russian President

In fact a noticeable white thermal glass appeared in the arsenal of the Russian president 5 years ago.

First appearance

Then, in 2014, at a big press conference, Putin first appeared with such an accessory.

first appearance

Reference. It was a tall white thermos glass with a small coat of arms of the Russian Federation on the body.

And even then, the glass of the country’s leader raised many questions from journalists.

Dmitry Peskov, who is the official representative and press secretary of the president, noted that this an accessory specially made for Vladimir Vladimirovich. He prefers to drink his favorite green tea from it.

President's companion

The glass holds about 300 ml favorite drink and very convenient to use. That is why the President uses such a glass at work and at home. To do this, he has several similar accessories.

Companion of the head of state in Osaka

During his stay in Osaka, the Russian president managed to meet with the most significant people in world politics. At a working lunch, Vladimir Putin sat next to American President Donald Trump. He, like the other participants, drank from a tall glass a drink that looked like cola. Some participants preferred tea or coffee and drank it from short mugs.

in Osaka

Only the Russian president stood out at the dinner with a bright white thermos glass. He drank tea from his usual device without hesitation and even clinked glasses with his neighbors at the table when making toasts.

I must say that he always does this, at any events, and does not see anything wrong with it.

Reference! The President of the Russian Federation is accustomed to drinking hot tea. And in long meetings this can only be achieved by constantly changing the drink or using a special thermos.

President's mug

Persons close to the Russian president argue that it is much easier to immediately pour the drink into the president’s glass, and he will not have to wait for another portion of hot tea after the drink in the mug is finished. You also won’t have to drink cold tea from a regular mug.

The glass that the president uses constantly

It is noteworthy that the new Vladimir Putin liked the gadget so much that he even ordered several of them at once. Now he uses the glass not only in the office and during work meetings, but also drinks his favorite drink from a similar glass at home.

Vladimir Putin himself did not comment on the fashion accessory. But it is obvious that he is not at all embarrassed by using his own dishes during important meetings, even on an international scale.

What is unique about the President's glass?

The President's glass is very unique and interesting.You can't buy this in a store! And this despite the wide range of similar products on sale. It differs not only in color and structure. The lid of the glass has the ability to perfectly maintain the temperature of the drink poured into it.

features of the mug

Characteristics of the glass of the head of the country:

  • volume - 300 ml (ideal for long negotiations and press conferences);
  • color - white (bright, but at the same time unnoticeable accessory);
  • decorative elements (small Russian coat of arms, unobtrusively indicating ownership).

The thermos glass is made of ceramic, which perfectly retains the heat of the drink.

Surely, more than one company would be ready to start producing and selling accessories similar to this one. Then a convenient glass will become an everyday accessory in many Russian families.

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