How many grams are in a glass?

Glass - These are dishes for strong alcoholic drinks on a thin stem. She looks more festive than stack, and is used for table setting at events. Its volume usually does not exceed 50 grams. However, there are many types of glasses, and the capacity varies greatly.


How to measure the volume of dishes

During a feast, questions often arise about how much a glass can hold. Often, housewives who use shot glasses to measure the amount of ingredients while cooking also ask this question.

Knowing the exact capacity, you can easily determine the quantity of a dish component.

It's easy to take your own measurements:

  1. The exact way is to weigh the container in two states: empty and filled to the brim. The difference in mass will be the weight of the liquid that is poured.
  2. The volume in milliliters can be easily measured using a medical syringe. There is always a scale on it, which is easy to calculate how much different utensils will add.
  3. Similarly, measuring spoons or cups for various medications, for example, cough syrup, will help measure the capacity.

There is no single size, and its capacity depends on the drink with which the container is filled. To clarify, it is better to weigh yourself.


How many milliliters are in a glass

The volume of the device directly depends on its purpose. There are several main types of small stemmed glass - their capacity is completely different.

  • vodka - based on the name, is intended exclusively for a traditional Russian drink, with a volume of 50 to 60 ml;
  • wine is used for serving fortified and dessert drinks, holds 75 ml;
  • liqueur – only 40 ml;
  • for sherry - about 60–80 ml.

At the same time, during a feast, vodka is usually filled to 2/3 of the total volume.

There are other types of glasses that also have different capacities. Specimens with a volume of 120-150 ml are used. They are more often used to serve wine or sparkling champagne.


How many grams are in a vodka glass?

It is generally accepted that one milliliter of liquid contains 1 g. This is not entirely accurate taking into account strong alcohol. It's a little lighter. But still, when using glasses, it is customary to correlate 50 ml container capacity with 50 g of alcoholic drink.


Please note that according to the rules of etiquette, it is not customary to fill the container to the brim. For women, as a rule, 20-25 g, and for men about 30-35 g. In a home environment, they are oriented by retreating approximately 1 cm from the edge.

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