Dishes in the family: is it common or does everyone have their own?

Every family has its own rules. For some, all household members sit in the kitchen in strictly designated places and everyone has their own plates, cups and cutlery. And others act more democratically, using a set in which you can hardly determine whose plate or cup is, and who used it before you. Which one of them is doing the right thing?

Dishes in the family: is it common or does everyone have their own?

Experts' opinion

We are used to the fact that each family member has his own toothbrush, comb, shaving machine and even a towel. But there is no such unanimity with dishes in the kitchen. The food is prepared in one pan, poured into plates with one ladle, and everyone in the household devours it on both cheeks, without really thinking about who used his plate or spoon before. Unless they hold some kind of service for guests so that the table looks more beautiful in a festive atmosphere.

Maybe you shouldn’t be so afraid of exchanging germs through shared utensils between close people. After all, you still use a common sink, bathtub, toilet, sleep together and often kiss each other. But if there is a sick person in the house - a cold, with herpes, domestic syphilis or AIDS - nothing can be done about it! You will have to allocate separate cutlery for this family member, wash them separately from the common dishes and keep them aside.

Dishes in the family: is it common or does everyone have their own?

A small child should also have a mandatory set of dishes. Buy a set with funny cartoons that your baby has a weakness for. The child will eat with appetite from such plates.And this will not only look aesthetically pleasing, but also meet all hygienic requirements.

People's opinion

We decided to explore the opinions of ordinary Internet users regarding the use of shared dishes in the family, and went to several forums where this topic was discussed. IN As a result, site visitors were divided into the following categories:

  1. Families in which each member has his own personal mug, spoon, fork, plate (these are in the minority).
  2. Families where separate dishes are allocated exclusively for children (smaller in size and with children's drawings), and adults use common plates.
  3. Families in which it is customary to eat from common plates and cutlery, but everyone has individual mugs (the vast majority).
  4. Families in which everyone has their own plate and cup, not for reasons of hygiene, but because of different sizes, depending on who eats how much soup at one sitting and how much tea they drink.

Dishes in the family: is it common or does everyone have their own?

Each family has its own traditions and habits. Many are sure that dishes are now washed with detergent, which means that the problem of hygiene disappears by itself. And you must admit, it looks a little comical when at home each family member eats exclusively from his own plate, but when visiting a cafe, he has to eat from common dishes. And it is still unknown who used it before you, and under what conditions it was washed.

Signs and superstitions

If you turn to sorcerers and witches for advice, they will definitely say that Eating from the same plate is a bad omen. People who do this may soon quarrel.

If you carry secret thoughts behind your soul and you don’t want to share them with your neighbors, then all the more you should take food from different plates. Otherwise, the person sharing the meal with you may find out all your hidden intentions.

From a bioenergy point of view, Using shared utensils is also not recommended, otherwise people will be able to energetically influence each other, and the health and well-being of the family depends on this.

Please note that You should definitely get rid of dishes that you don’t like. Otherwise, the unpleasant cup or bowl will irritate you, and you will charge this item with negative energy. And the one at home who uses it will take on all the negativity.

Dishes in the family: is it common or does everyone have their own?

You should also not wash dishes if you are in a bad mood, otherwise they will become energetically contaminated. It’s not for nothing that quarreling spouses break plates, and this action is followed by a stormy reconciliation - this is how they rid the surrounding space of negativity.

Bioenergeticists believe that it is advisable for each family member to have their own set of serving items for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Do you remember how in the fairy tale the little bear shouted: “Who ate my bowl?” This is important for the energetic health of the family. And dishes and cutlery touched by guests must be washed very thoroughly, first rubbed with salt. You can even “burn” it in the sun.

It seems that in this matter, as in every other, it is worth deciding without fanaticism what exactly suits your family and following these unwritten rules. And children, following the example of their parents, will do exactly the same.

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