How to clean an aluminum pan

Aluminum cookware is in demand. It is lightweight, heats up quickly, and is inexpensive. But over time, the metal becomes dull and becomes covered with a layer of fat and soot.

To extend the life of an aluminum pan, it is necessary to properly care for it. But if the kitchen utensils are already covered with a layer of soot, it must be removed.Aluminum pan.

Features of using aluminum cookware

Aluminum cookware is prone to deformation and scratches. Therefore, it requires proper operation and special care.

When using aluminum kitchen utensils, you need to consider some features:

  1. The metal is capable of reacting chemically with acids. Therefore, food left in dishes quickly spoils.
  2. Aluminum kitchen utensils are often used for making jam or compote. Organic acids contained in fruits and vegetables have a negative effect on the coating of kitchen utensils.
  3. To reduce the negative effects of acids, before you start cooking, you need to boil a solution of water and salt mixed in a one-to-one ratio in a container.
  4. Aluminum products do not have a protective non-stick coating. Therefore, the prepared dishes may burn to the inner walls of the cookware.In addition, the outer part of kitchen utensils darkens from constant contact with the burners.Washing the pot.

It is impossible to remove carbon deposits using mechanical action - scratches immediately form on the surface of aluminum kitchen utensils. To do this, you need to use other cleaning methods.

How to clean an aluminum pan from scale, carbon deposits and grease

If carbon deposits appear, do not immediately throw away the pan. It can be removed using available tools:

  1. Soap solution. You need to dissolve half a piece of grated laundry soap in water, then place the dishes in the soap composition. After some time, it needs to be wiped with a sponge.
  2. Soda. Cleaning with soda is the most common way to remove carbon deposits. You need to take a sponge with soda and carefully treat the entire surface of the product. Boiling in a solution of baking soda and water may also help.
  3. Salt. It is necessary to prepare a solution by mixing salt and water. Pour in kitchen utensils and boil. If you need to clean the outer walls, pour the solution into a basin and place the pan in it.
  4. Lemon acid. Pour water into a bowl and add citric acid. Boil for 20 minutes. Then the utensils need to be rinsed under running water.
  5. Nine percent vinegar. The dishes should be filled with vinegar and left for 3 hours. Then it should be rinsed thoroughly.
  6. PVA glue. It can be used to remove heavy carbon deposits. First you need to prepare a solution: add half a piece of laundry soap and one tablespoon of PVA to 3 liters of boiling water. The solution must be poured into a saucepan and boiled for an hour under a tightly closed lid.Carbon deposits on an aluminum pan.

Attention! Before starting the procedure, the pan must cool down; if cold water enters, the walls of the product may become deformed.

What to do if aluminum cookware has darkened

Food acids can restore pots to their original color and get rid of dark deposits:

  1. Lemon acid. The surface should be wiped with half a lemon and rinsed under running water.
  2. Apples. You need to take an apple, cut it in half and carefully wipe the dark areas with it.
  3. Sorrel. Place the sorrel in a saucepan, add water and boil for 30 minutes.
  4. Dairy products. Kefir or yogurt should be poured into kitchen utensils and left overnight. You can also use cucumber pickle.How to restore shine to an aluminum pan.

How to restore shine to aluminum cookware at home

If used incorrectly and cleaned with unsuitable substances, kitchen utensils lose their original shine. It can be returned using inexpensive improvised means:

  1. Kefir or yogurt. They should be poured into a saucepan and left for several hours.
  2. Cucumber pickle. If the outer part of the product has darkened, the stains can be treated with cucumber pickle. It must be carefully and evenly applied to the surface to be cleaned, leave the pan for two hours, and then rinse under running water.
  3. Vinegar. Darkened kitchen utensils can be washed with a soft cloth soaked in nine percent vinegar.
  4. Onion. You need to put it in a container, add water and boil for 30 minutes.
  5. Apple. You can whiten dishes by wiping them with half an apple.
  6. Dentifrice. You need to apply it to the entire surface of the product to be cleaned and leave for several hours. Then the pan must be rinsed under running water.
  7. Eraser. You can lighten the walls of the pan by rubbing it with an eraser.

It is possible to return the dishes to their original appearance and extend their service life only with proper care and use.If even a thin layer of soot has formed, it must be removed immediately, because old dirt is more difficult to clean off.

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