What dishes can cause cancer?

Recently, people have become more likely to encounter cancer. This type of disease is practically incurable; scientists have still not been able to fully understand the causes of its occurrence.

teflon cookware

Unfortunately, a universal cure has not yet been found. Modern treatment consists of attempts to relieve symptoms and alleviate the condition by removing degenerated tumor cells.

The whole world is trying to identify the cause of cancer and recognize the carcinogenic substances that cause it. Various theories and assumptions are created, new technologies and treatment methods are introduced, but all this does not produce results. An important point in treatment is diagnosis in the early stages, but this is not always possible.

Relatively recently, a statement was made about the effect of non-stick coating on the appearance of malignant tumors. We will try to talk about this in detail in our article.

Which non-stick cookware causes cancer?

The version that Teflon coating can negatively affect the human body was considered long before the news from American scientists that appeared in The Daily Mail. However, it was this message that aroused great interest in society and in the scientific world.

The news was clearly justified and supplemented by the results of laboratory research, which consisted of the following experiments:

  1. They took two groups of mice and placed them in different cages.
  2. One group of mice was exposed to a Teflon coating at temperatures above 200°C.
  3. The other group was fed as usual and was not exposed to harmful effects.

silicone cookwareDuring the experimental method of checking data in the first half, which was exposed to the vapors released when the Teflon coating was heated, signs of tumors and lesions of the following nature were revealed:

  • Malignant formation in the liver, kidneys, genitals...
  • Decreased protective functions of the immune system.
  • The occurrence of problems with the functioning of the pancreas, the risk of diabetes and cancer.

Important! If possible, avoid using Teflon coating for cooking.

If you own this utensil, follow the instructions for safe use. Do not exceed the temperature, cook on low heat, ventilate the room. If the Teflon is damaged, stop using the cookware. Teflon should also not be used during pregnancy.

How can non-stick cookware cause cancer?

non-stick cookwareScientists also managed to identify the principle of the occurrence of harmful effects and its mechanism. Its essence lies in the fact that the Teflon coating contains special chemicals that provide its basic functions. Under normal storage conditions, nothing happens and the dishes are not harmful.

The situation is completely different when heated. When the temperature rises to 200°C and above, carcinogenic acid begins to be released from the material. In air, it decomposes into toxic substances, which enter the human respiratory tract with the inhaled gas mixture. After this, through the lungs they enter the systemic bloodstream and spread throughout the body, causing complications.

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