How to use a can opener with a wheel

A can opener is an inconspicuous but important assistant in every kitchen. It comes to the rescue when you need to open a can of canned food, winter preparations, or a bottle with a tightly sealed lid. It is not possible to do this with improvised means.

How to use a can opener correctly?

There are several versions of the device: the “bottle opener” familiar to us since childhood, mechanical models and electric ones. All of them differ in the capabilities and ease of opening the container.

The gadget ensures human safety when opening a can. But precautions must be taken.


This option is already a thing of the past, but many kitchens in our country still have such a device. Using it makes our life easier, but is associated with a certain danger.


Manual openers require physical force. They have sharp tips that cut tins. If the hand falls off, you can get seriously injured by the knives. In addition, it leaves nicks on the lid, which are quite easy to cut your fingers with.

With wheel

Mechanical openers with a rotating cutting element are securely fixed and can be easily opened by twisting. Locking handles hold the device on the surface of the tin. The rotating mechanism and sharp wheel make it possible to open the container without the use of physical force.

knife with wheel


This type of opener does not take up much space in the kitchen cabinet. It acts quickly, accurately and without physical pressure from a person. The device is applied to the surface and pressed slightly. The cut is smooth, which eliminates the risk of injury from the edges of the jar. The magnetic component easily lifts the lid, giving access to the product inside.

automatic can opener

The device does not require connection to an outlet. Keep away from children.


This is the most modern version of a can opener. It is connected to the power supply, the jar is securely fixed and the motor is started. The cutting wheel opens the can evenly and quickly, without effort on the part of a person.

electric can opener

Different models often come with additional features. This allows them to be used for different containers and lids.

Precautionary measures

With any of the presented devices you should follow safety principles. Otherwise, there is a risk of injury when working with the opener.

  1. Do not open the jar on your weight or on your knees.
  2. Place the container on a flat surface and securely fix it.
  3. Keep your fingers away from the cutting part of the tool.
  4. Before opening, treat the jar and knife with a disinfectant, this will prevent harmful microorganisms from entering the canned food.
  5. Beware of jagged and sharp edges of the lid.

Before opening, be sure to check the knife for defects, rust and other imperfections. A damaged device can cause injury or break down during the process of opening the container.

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