Why do the Japanese place saucers of salt in the toilet and other rooms?

People have long endowed salt with a secret meaning. In ancient times, in our country, bulk product was very expensive, so it was used very carefully. Moreover, salt was used not only for cooking, but also for various magical rituals. That is why there are so many signs associated with her. The Japanese are no exception and also believe in the magical powers of the product, installing it in their homes and places of work.

Why do the Japanese place saucers of salt in the toilet and other rooms?

Japanese attitude towards salt

Residents of the Land of the Rising Sun, like our compatriots, attach magical meaning to salt. They believe that the product protects against evil and helps maintain positive energy in the home.

You should not be surprised if, when you come to a Japanese house, you see many small saucers on which familiar crystals are scattered.

Reference! Usually the product is poured into a small mound and placed in those places from where, in their opinion, evil spirits can enter the house.

Saucers with salt

The pedantic Japanese value aesthetics in everything. Crystals, slightly moistened with water, formed into a pyramid. For this, there are even special molds and spoons that are convenient for placing the product on a saucer.

Why do you need salt in your home?

The first thing you can see in the average Japanese home is a saucer with a pyramid of salt right at the entrance.

In the toilet and more

In the hallway, the plate stands neatly on the side of the front door. Similar saucers are available in different rooms, in the bathroom, kitchen and even in the toilet.

Salt near the door

In these rooms, the Japanese have window openings through which negative emotions and various unclean thoughts can enter the house.

Important! As a rule, saucers are not installed at doors inside the house. It is considered sufficient to install plates on window sills and at ventilation openings.

You can also notice pyramids on various horizontal surfaces.

The purpose of salt in Japanese housing

Plates with salt look like a certain type of sacrament with which household members try to protect their homes from all sorts of negativity. According to beliefs, guests entering the house should leave bad thoughts and moods at the threshold, without bringing negative emotions into the house. And the salt absorbs them.

Reference! In some cases, pyramids look like a stylish home decoration.

Against the backdrop of Japanese aesthetics, such accessories look very original and attractive. Residents of our country, who also believe in signs associated with salt, can learn from the Japanese how to make amulets.

Salt is used not only in the home

At restaurants, bars and coffee shops in Japan you can also see small saucers with pyramids of salt. Sometimes salt poured directly onto the sidewalk or threshold, without using a small plate.

At the restaurant

The origins of the tradition are explained by legend

An interesting legend is associated with this tradition, which is more than one and a half thousand years old. In those distant times, there lived an emperor in Kyoto, who owned more than 3 thousand concubines. Every evening he had to choose which geisha to spend that night with. One of the girls came up with a way to keep the bishop with her for more than one evening.

The girl scattered salt at the threshold of her home, knowing that the emperor would ride past her house on a horse. The animal smelled the delicacy and stopped at the concubine’s threshold, licking the salt. The emperor could not do anything with his horse and remained with the concubine.

That is why restaurateurs and businessmen believe that salt attracts new customers to the establishment. The plates are placed on the doorstep to attract people and ensure the well-being of their business.

Comments and feedback:

Very interesting! I didn't know before. Thanks for the information :)


I keep a plate of salt in the refrigerator to remove odors. Flat. A pyramid will be inconvenient.


And in our clinic we have a salt room, you sit on a chair and breathe in salts. They say it helps with asthma. And regarding the pyramid at the entrance from bad thoughts, I immediately came up with a joke: “A thief enters such a house, sees a pyramid at the entrance, let me think I’ll help the owners and bring a plasma TV from a neighboring apartment...


You breathe, but you don't breathe.


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