What tile to put on the kitchen floor

The kitchen is the most functional part of the house. The tiles on the floor in this room should be aesthetically pleasing, practical and beautiful. This is not a curtain or accessory that can be changed at any time; it is placed for a long time. For tiles in the kitchen to bring joy, the choice must be competent and informed, taking into account many nuances.

What tile to use in the kitchen

The composition of any tile is based on sand, clay and quartz compounds. Mixing these elements helps produce a strong and durable material - ceramics.

How to choose tiles for the kitchen

Different manufacturing methods allow us to divide it into several types:

  1. Porcelain tiles. The manufacturing technology involves double firing and pressing. This ensures minimal surface porosity, which virtually eliminates water penetration. The dye is added to the mixture itself for production, so it is impossible to “erase” the surface - it is completely colored. The properties of porcelain stoneware are equal to those of natural stone. The tiles are durable and the designs mainly come in “natural stone colours”. Porcelain tiles can be polished - they have a glossy surface, which improves its aesthetic qualities and the sliding surface. And not polished - the texture is not subject to any processing after production. Remains rough and matte.The type of porcelain stoneware can be determined both visually and by the corresponding markings on the packaging.
  2. Ceramic tile. It is produced using a technology that is divided into two stages. First, the tiles themselves are made, then the design is applied and covered with gloss or glaze. Contaminants stand out more strongly on a shiny surface. Due to the fact that the surface is covered with a pattern only on top, it needs careful, gentle care with minimal friction. The variety of choice of this type of ceramics pleases with shapes, colors and sizes.

Choosing floor tiles for the kitchen

Important! Not all tiles are suitable for covering kitchen floors. It is divided into five classes based on wear resistance. Where 1 – has the lowest indicator and is recommended for installation in rooms with minimal traffic. And 5 is the most durable, which is suitable even for shopping centers and other public places. Ceramics, starting from grade 3, are suitable for kitchen decoration. On the packaging you can see Roman (I - V) or Latin (1-5) numerals indicating this indicator.

Once you have decided on the look, you need to think about the design, color and size. After all, even the most beautiful and expensive ceramics can turn into disappointment in the interior.

To make a harmonious and correct choice, you need to evaluate:

  1. Kitchen interier. The coating must completely match the design. If it’s hard to decide, you should pay attention to monochromatic options. They look organically in any interior.
  2. Color. It is important to understand that the choice of colors plays a huge role in the perception of space. It is not recommended to use dark colors in small kitchens; such a solution will visually reduce an already small room.
  3. Size: large expands the space, small does the opposite.

What type of tile is suitable for the kitchen

The kitchen is a place where the flooring is heavily soiled. Many people are afraid to put “gloss” on it, due to the popular belief that it will quickly lose its shine due to washing. Of course, the glossy surface does not last forever, but proper care will preserve its appearance for a long time. Special products will help you carefully and effectively clean the coating with minimal time. A wide selection of colors and sizes will allow you to choose an option for any interior. Glossy and polished tiles are slippery; it is better to walk on them in slippery shoes. If you have small children and elderly people at home, you should think twice before choosing this option.

Choosing floor tiles for the kitchen

Porcelain tiles are not slippery. Natural stone colors add sophistication to the interior. The texture of the material suggests contamination of small depressions in the tiles, so when washing you need to use a brush. The coating is not afraid of friction and does not lose color.

Which tile to choose?

The variety of choices is an advantage, but it makes choosing difficult. To eliminate mistakes, you need to think through the characteristics of your “ideal” tile:

  • View.
  • Color.
  • Size.
  • Design.
  • Coating.

To save time searching for the right option, it is better to study the assortment on the Internet, then visit the store you like.

It sounds unusual, but you can “try on” the tiles. If in doubt, do not hesitate to buy a “test” package and see how the tiles will look in the interior. The box should be unpacked carefully in case of return.

Choosing floor tiles for the kitchen

Important! If after purchasing ceramics it becomes clear that it is not suitable or you bought too much, you can return it to the store. Be sure to keep receipts and packaging. The minimum period for returns is 14 days.

When choosing which tile is best for the kitchen, you need to listen first of all to yourself and not succumb to other people’s imposed opinions. If for some a glossy surface was a mistake, for others it is the best option. Only your own opinion will allow you to choose the best tiles for the kitchen, which will not disappoint and will delight you every day.

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