Warm floors under parquet boards: which one is better?

For maximum coziness and comfort, the house always lacks a warm floor, especially in the winter season. However, the installation of such a design has a number of features. For example, you need to choose a coating very carefully, analyzing which one is better. It is worth understanding all the nuances of this issue.

Warm floor under parquet boards

Which warm floor to choose for parquet boards

It is important to understand that a warm floor puts a lot of stress on the coating. High temperatures reduce its service life and can even lead to deformation due to constant contraction and expansion. Parquet board is one of the most popular options for cladding; it is considered the most reliable, durable and warm. However, you won’t get much heat from contact with bare concrete, so a heating system is often installed under the parquet.

There are several types of heaters, but in the case of parquet, water heaters are recommended, since wood is susceptible to combustion. By installing such a warm floor, you can be sure not only of heat preservation, but also of your own safety.

Warm floor under parquet boards

Features of laying floor coverings on warm floors

It is not recommended to make a very thick coating so that the heat is not wasted. It is advisable to install the overlap no thicker than 15 millimeters.Laying the coating on heating elements should only be done using the “floating” method to avoid deformation during expansion and contraction under the influence of temperatures. Before installing the covering, the installed heating system must be checked for any defects or malfunctions. The temperature adjustment must be checked so as not to subsequently open the structure to fix problems.

When all work is completed, be sure to conduct a temperature test - on the bottom layer the temperature should not exceed 40 degrees. At approximately this value, the floor temperature will reach a comfortable 25–28 degrees - this is enough for comfortable walking even barefoot.

Warm floor under parquet boards

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