Parquet boards: pros and cons

Parquet boards, like any material, have their pros and cons.

The main advantages of parquet boards

Parquet boards: pros and cons

  1. Value for money: Almost all real estate agents agree that hardwood floors in the kitchen add value to a home beyond their original cost. Hardwood flooring will last as long as your home, so it will never need to be replaced. In fact, in many home demolitions, hardwood floor planks are removed intact and recycled, so it can be said that your hardwood floor planks may actually outlive your home.
  2. Environmentally friendly: wood is a renewable resource. Today, hardwood in Australia is harvested from plantations or carefully managed forests, ensuring that supplies never run out and that minimal damage is caused to surrounding flora and fauna. In many cases, the forestry industry is now actively involved in reforestation and wildlife conservation projects.
  3. Parquet helps keep your home environment healthier. This is one of the main reasons why so many homeowners are replacing carpeting with hardwood and other hard surface planks. Hardwood is free of dust, mold, dust mites, cat dander and other substances that can cause or worsen allergies and other health problems.
  4. Hardwood floors are beautiful: nothing beats the warm, natural tones of hardwood. With so many types and colors available, you can find hardwood that is perfect for your home.
    Parquet is easy to maintain. Once installed and sealed, your floor will look great for years to come with only routine cleaning and maintenance required.

What disadvantages does the material have?

disadvantages of parquet boards

  1. Solid wood is more expensive than many other coatings, and it also has other disadvantages.
  2. Hardwood boards require periodic sanding and polishing.
  3. Hardwood flooring cannot be easily replaced if you want to change your flooring material.

Are these flaws actually flaws or are they just perceived as such? While it is true that the cost of installing solid wood flooring is more expensive than installing carpet or vinyl tile, hardwood flooring is timeless while other types of flooring require regular replacement. Yes, you may have to sand and polish your floor once or twice over the life of your home, but it is no more expensive than replacing other types of flooring. No, you can't lift a hardwood floor easily, but why would you want to? Most homeowners never tire of their wood floors and actually appreciate them even more as the years go by.

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