Parquet restoration

In order to prepare the parquet for restoration as soon as possible, you need to spend as much time and effort as possible searching for the necessary materials. Only the highest quality materials will solve numerous problems associated with floor coverings as quickly as possible.

How to prepare parquet for restoration

Parquet restoration

First you need to wash it properly. If any contaminants remain on the coating, then finding defects that need to be eliminated will not be so easy. This is precisely why it is so important to use different products and methods to clean the coating. In particular, it is recommended to use special cleaning products that will help remove even the most difficult stains. It also happens that cracks and scratches appear on the coating. It is recommended not to touch them. Otherwise, these defects may increase. Then it will be even more difficult to get rid of them. Special attention is paid to the fact that major damage is not a reason to begin a full-fledged repair. Sometimes you can get by with cosmetic repairs, which will not only be cheaper, but will also completely eliminate any cracks, scratches or other damage.

Also, to ensure that the parquet is ready for restoration as soon as possible, you can use special tools. They will be discussed below in the text. You just need to understand that these tools must be purchased in advance. Otherwise, you will have to make do with improvised means, and this is not always convenient.

It also happens that parquet needs to be repaired within a strictly limited time. In this case, you cannot do without outside help. You shouldn’t even think about starting repairs alone if very little time is allotted for removing defects. In this case, you can lose sight of something, and then a situation arises when almost the entire floor covering looks perfect, but one single defect looks like a black spot on a white background.

Also, before starting work, it is recommended to purchase special gloves. They will protect your hands from various troubles. In particular, when repairing a wooden floor, splinters can get into your hands. Getting them out of your skin can be difficult. Moreover, this is a rather painful process.

Another precaution concerns the eyes. They must be protected with special transparent glasses. Then they will never get any parquet particles that can cause irreparable damage to vision.

Another threat is dust. If the repair is carried out by a person who is allergic to dust, then it is recommended to wear a mask. It will not allow dust particles to enter the respiratory tract. If you forget about this, the repair may even end in hospitalization, because dust from the parquet may contain particles of paint and a wide variety of substances that will make allergies even more dangerous.By observing all the listed precautions, the repair will be completed quickly and without any problems.

Step-by-step instructions for restoring parquet

  1. In order for the restoration of the parquet to go without a hitch, you need to think through a repair plan in advance. In particular, all damage must be examined. Depending on what kind of damage was discovered, one of the types of repairs can begin. For example, in some cases it is necessary to completely replace any failed dies. If there is no need to change the floor boards, then all that remains is to repair cracks and scratches.
  2. It also happens that to repair the coating, all you need is putty, primer, varnish or oil. Such repairs cannot take much time. Almost everyone can cope with it, which is why many people do not even turn to professional experts for help.
  3. If you had to replace failed dies, then it is imperative to remove all the cracks that appeared between the boards. When this is done, you can breathe a sigh of relief: the next repair will not be needed soon. If you forget about these cracks, the consequences will not take long to arrive. The thing is that parquet tends to expand and contract depending on the time of year, if we are talking about parquet made of natural wood. In this case, even the smallest cracks can turn into huge holes that will be difficult not to notice.
  4. Restoring oak parquet with your own hands, if there are too many jams, requires full installation of the parquet. Then you need to seek professional help if the owner of the house does not have a special tool with which you can remove the old layer of varnish.
  5. The last stage is primer and putty. By the way, before applying the last layer of varnish, you can tint it. Even a non-professional can cope with this task.

How to restore parquet if it has been flooded with water

Parquet restorationA parquet floor flooded with water can be called a real curse. The fact is that under the influence of mechanical stress the coating expands. This may result in the parquet strips being turned inside out.

Moreover, even parquet that has been varnished absorbs liquid very quickly. As a result, the floor tiles become unusable. In order to restore such a floor, you will have to wait until it is completely dry. In some cases, the floor returns to its original state, however, in some places the coating may still swell. In this case, you cannot do without replacing the dies. Sometimes you even have to replace the entire parquet flooring.

How to repair cracks

Parquet restorationHow to update old parquet? Gaps are another problem that plagues many people. The reason for the appearance of cracks is changes in humidity levels, as well as a violation of the coating laying technology.

All this leads to the fact that the wood dries out, after which cracks form. To avoid this problem, you need to purchase air humidifiers. You can try to restore the parquet flooring in an apartment with your own hands by maintaining the humidity in the room and in other ways, however, this is very difficult.

Do-it-yourself parquet restoration, step-by-step instructions look like this.What needs to be done to get rid of all the cracks as quickly as possible? When we are talking about gaps not exceeding 3 mm, you can try to carry out small restoration work using putty. If the gaps are large, then you will have to change the dies. Otherwise, you simply won’t be able to get rid of the cracks.

How to remove scratches from parquet

removing scratches from parquetRestoring scratches on parquet is the most popular problem associated with it. They can arise for a variety of reasons. Most often this is due to the fall of heavy objects, as well as due to the rearrangement of furniture.

It also happens that children or animals are to blame. As a result, the varnish coating or the wood itself is scratched. What should you use to remove scratches? The best option is putty. It needs to be matched to the color of the coating. Even if the difference is only one tone, such putty will completely ruin the appearance of the floor. To prevent this from happening, you need to come to the store with an accurate photograph of the parquet. In some cases, the dies are scraped until the relief becomes perfectly smooth. Then you need to prime the floor and tint it. Varnish will also not be superfluous. It is a fairly effective means of protection that can be found in almost any store. In addition, varnished parquet looks even better.

Eliminating squeaks

eliminating parquet squeaksRestoration of old parquet can also be carried out due to creaking. A squeaky floor is a nuisance for many people. This unpleasant problem has been known for a long time, however, it is extremely difficult to eliminate it.

This is not some kind of scratch that can be fixed with putty. In order to restore old parquet, you need to find its source.Usually the creaking is caused by unevenness of the base on which the floor was laid. Friction of the dies can also cause a squeak, so after you have found the place where the squeak is coming from, you need to re-lay it, and before that, level the floor. Unfortunately, this is a rather expensive and complex method, but it is simply impossible to get rid of the squeak otherwise. If the cause of the squeak is the fastening system, then all local faults will have to be eliminated. It is possible that the fastenings were of poor quality, so it is recommended to contact the seller. There is a chance that they will be replaced under warranty.

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