Palace, what is this?

Palace, what is this?It is difficult to imagine a comfortable home without carpeting, thanks to which it becomes warm and cozy. The absence of this makes the room look ordinary, makes the room mediocre, devoid of individuality.

The word "palace", according to different versions, comes from Latin, Italian or English, and is translated as "palace" or "palatine hill". It has eastern roots, as in Persia they called double-sided, lint-free carpeting. The fabric of the material is made both manually and by machine. The product has gained popularity in the countries of Eastern Europe and Central Asia, such as:

  • Bulgaria;
  • Slovenia;
  • Moldova;
  • Ukraine;
  • Azerbaijan;
  • Kazakhstan;
  • India.

Dense woolen products made it possible to silently step on the floor and hide the sounds of the room in which they were made. The patterns woven on the rug are inherent in the culture of the country in which it was made.

The execution technique can combine manual and machine production. It is complemented with embroidered patterns, appliques, as well as various unique decorative elements. The development of production technologies has made it possible to give the coating different colors and shades.

Spreading the carpet at special events has become fundamental when holding important meetings and ceremonies. This tradition has been preserved to this day. At formal receptions, they can no longer do without a “red carpet” or a product of a different color. The covering is spread in halls, at forums, balls, festivals and conferences. The Walk of Fame is also covered with such a popular attribute.

In addition to being used at celebrations, carpet is used to achieve comfort in residential premises, using “warm” colors and the desired size of the finished product. The ability to retain heat and prevent the spread of sound makes the atmosphere in the house quiet and calm.

To accurately understand the definition of the word “palace”, let’s compare it with a carpet, then we will see the obvious difference between the products. The carpet appeared much earlier and is the ancestor of the carpet. The presence of thick woolen or synthetic pile in the first one counters the lack of it in the second one, making the latter more practical to use and care for. The first is spread on both a flat and embossed surface; it has arbitrary dimensions; and the second one is laid only on a flat floor; it is made exclusively of a regular rectangular shape. With a standard width of up to 1 m, the length can range from 2 to 15 m.

REFERENCE! Carpets come in oval, round or square shapes! The production of rugs does not provide for the possibility of obtaining such external performance.

CarpetA serious difference is that carpets are used not only for flooring, but also hung on the walls, while carpets are spread only on the floor. The presence of a large number of such woolen products in an apartment used to indicate wealth and well-being in the house. Today, this criterion has become obsolete, and the use of coatings serves only practical purposes. Another distinctive feature is weight: the first of them has a large mass, which is inconvenient when folding, and the second has the opposite characteristics.

These two types of coatings are also similar to each other:

  • the material from which it is made, wool or synthetic;
  • have the same purpose;
  • produced with similar patterns and colors;
  • Product sizes may be identical.

REFERENCE! The use of natural materials in the manufacture of carpets allows for a more saturated color.

To summarize the definition of “palace”, we note that this is a fabric-based floor covering to create a comfortable environment.

In addition, this name is used in phrases with the word “hotel”. This use confirms one of the meanings of the translation, which is interpreted as “palace”. If you come across the name “Hotel Palace”, this means that we are talking about a fashionable 5-star hotel. The level of service of such establishments is impeccable, and the interior is characterized by chic design and refined taste.

Features and characteristics of the palace

Due to its intended purpose, the carpet, like any floor covering, is characterized by the following criteria:

  • dimensions;
  • density;
  • features on the front side (pattern, color);
  • product material (natural or synthetic).

Purchasing a rug for living requires a positive visual perception, as well as pleasant sensations upon contact. This will increase comfort and mood at home, especially since you have to walk barefoot.

ATTENTION! Among the large number of manufactured goods, you may encounter products that have a hard, rough surface! Such properties give the coating durability, but are intended for commercial use in public places.

PalaceA special feature of the carpet is its ease of use and maintenance. Light weight allows, if necessary, to quickly fold or remove the product. This same property causes the coating to slip on the floor.If at the same time it becomes uncomfortable to walk, then it is glued for rigid fixation.

Achieving a comfortable environment in the apartment requires the presence of a rug. Depending on the characteristics of the interior, a product of the required color is selected from the offered products.

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