How to clean a rug at home?

How to clean a rug at home?Despite the wide choice of flooring, carpet is still popular today. This fleecy covering in light and dark colors looks good in any room, allowing you to achieve maximum comfort, and also helps to retain the warmth of the floor.

However, the pile of the carpet often becomes clogged with small particles of dirt, dust, and sometimes stains and an unpleasant odor appear on the surface. With such problems, regular cleaning with a vacuum cleaner cannot be done; you will have to clean it. However, this must be done correctly, guided by general rules and expert advice, as well as using high-quality products for washing rugs.

How to clean carpet quickly and effectively from stains?

The palace is the main dust collector in the apartment. All the dirt accumulates between its villi and it is difficult to wash it. And also over time, in places where the inhabitants of the apartment walk most intensively, abrasions appear and color is lost. This can also happen when exposed to ultraviolet rays.

Important! If you regularly use the product in a room with a lot of traffic, cleaning with a regular or even a washing vacuum cleaner is not enough. You will have to resort to the services of a professional dry cleaner or clean the coating yourself using improvised means.

Important knowledge will be the carpet cleaning rules that must be followed in order to restore it to its original beauty. Often, experienced housewives use not only store-bought products for this, but also folk recipes that can help effectively remove existing stains and unpleasant odors. The main thing is to have an idea of ​​the basic methods and be ready to start working immediately after contamination, so that the stain does not become embedded.

Traditional methods of cleaning rugs from dirt and odors

Expensive household products that are offered for purchase in stores are usually quite expensive.

Traditional methods of cleaning rugsBut experienced housewives have long come up with several proven ways to deal with stains on the carpet using available means and products:

  • salt (the product needs to be slightly wetted by splashing water on the surface, then a large amount of coarse salt is poured onto the canvas and the carpet is allowed to rest for a while, after a while all that remains is to collect the salt that has absorbed the dirt and vacuum it, this method will help achieve freshness and return the original color of the carpet);
  • soda (for the cleaning procedure, you need to prepare a solution of 5 tablespoons of baking soda and 1 liter of warm water, you need to irrigate the entire carpet with the composition and let it stand in this form for about 2 hours, then treat the surface with a vacuum cleaner, this is especially true for shiny areas of the product, on them pour the substance and let it sit for about 40 minutes, then vacuum it, this method allows you to effectively clean and return the original color);
  • sauerkraut (a very unusual, but very effective method, the product must be squeezed out of the juice and scattered over the surface of the carpet, let it rest for a while, rub with a stiff brush and collect the cabbage that has absorbed the dirt on a scoop; if necessary, the procedure is carried out several times, washing the cabbage after each session);
  • universal remedy (you need to mix a spoonful of washing powder, soda and a small spoonful of table vinegar, then add a little warm water to the mixture and mix well, then apply the composition to the carpet with a soft sponge and rub in a little, let it sit, and then rinse with a cloth soaked in clean water );
  • laundry soap with gasoline (an excellent remedy for old stains, by making a solution, apply it to the stain and rub it in with a soft sponge, leave it for a short period of time, then wash it first with a soapy solution, and then with a clean rag soaked in plain water, and let the carpet dry);
  • solid home remedy (in a container you need to mix grated pumice, a tablespoon of salt, a heaped glass of flour, clean water and a small amount of vinegar, mix thoroughly, place the composition in the freezer, after the mass hardens, cut it into several bars and rub the rug with them, the rest funds are collected with a vacuum cleaner);
  • ammonia (a spoonful of ammonia solution is diluted in a liter of warm water and rubbed into the stained area, after which it is necessary to wash the rug, thoroughly wiping the stain; in this way, oily stains and blood stains are well removed);
  • sawdust (they are scattered on the carpet wet and allowed to dry completely, during this time they absorb a large amount of dirt and all that remains is to sweep them from the carpet into the dustpan).

Snow cleaning method A well-known snow cleaning method is still used by many today. The carpet is rolled up and taken out into the street. Having spread it out on clean snow, it is covered with snow and beaten well. After this, you need to turn the carpet over and repeat the procedure. This method is not guaranteed to get rid of difficult stains, but the carpet will look much better.

Important! Before any method chosen for cleaning the rug, the coating should be thoroughly vacuumed. After completing all procedures, the carpet should also be allowed to dry completely. This should be done in a well-ventilated area, without using heating devices, hair dryers and other electronic gadgets.

To remove unpleasant odors, you can use fabric softener. It is applied to the stain and the carpet is allowed to rest for some time. Then the composition should be washed off with a damp cloth and the product should be allowed to dry. This method will help to cope with the smell of urine from animals or children, as well as other unpleasant aromas that are so easily absorbed into the product.

There are quite a few folk methods of getting rid of dirt and they are all highly effective. By choosing one of them, you won’t have to spend your own money on expensive dry cleaning. The main thing is to ensure that the chosen product does not harm the carpet. To do this, you need to try it first on a small and inconspicuous area of ​​the product.

Purchased products and chemicals for carpet cleaning

Almost all household carpet cleaners on the market give good results in removing stains and unpleasant odors. But also the vast majority of them help to restore the color of the product well and restore the softness of the rug.

Among the most popular store-bought carpet care products are:

  • carpet shampoo “5+” (a powerful concentrate or foam solution that perfectly removes almost any contaminant; also the undoubted advantage of this product is its low price and quite pleasant smell);
  • Vanish in the form of shampoo (a well-known and widely used product. It restores the original color well, removes almost any dirt, but may not cope with old stains, it is quite expensive, and the packaging is very small, it is used in the form of a foam solution, it can be used in a washing vacuum cleaner);
  • Cleaning agent Help (it copes well with all types of stains, even old ones, the price is affordable, easy to use, it is sold as a ready-made solution in a convenient spray bottle);
  • drop VOX (a universal foam solution, which is applied not only to rugs, but also to carpets, upholstered furniture and covers in the car, removes all types of dirt well).

Vanish in the form of shampoo

 Important! It should be remembered that products from the line of household chemicals always affect the respiratory system and carry risks for human skin. This is especially dangerous for people who are prone to developing allergic reactions or have sensitive skin. If there is a risk of developing unpleasant consequences, it is better to use traditional methods for cleaning.

Is it possible to clean the carpet without removing it from the floor and how?

Most types of rugs are not made in too large sizes; they can always be rolled up or moved to another room to be cleaned from dirt. However, there are times when the carpet is too large or there is no way to move it for washing. That is why many housewives ask questions about how and whether it is possible to clean the product without removing it from its usual place.We clean the carpet without removing it from the floor

When cleaning the product, you should follow the following conditions that will help you cope with the procedure quickly and without damaging the carpet:

  • When cleaning, you should open the windows (the strong smell of chemicals can negatively affect the respiratory system);
  • use rubber gloves (aggressive compounds have a harmful effect on the delicate skin of the hands);
  • rinse off the product thoroughly (the well-being and health of all household members, and especially small children who often crawl on the floor and pets, directly depends on the quality of carpet washing);
  • study the instructions (before using any product, be sure to read the manufacturer’s instructions and strictly follow the dosage);
  • cleaning is carried out in a free room (during cleaning there should be no strangers in the room, this will speed up the process and allow everything to be done as safely as possible).

Important! As a rule, according to the manufacturer's instructions, all products require dilution with clean water. You should not use concentrate, it can be hazardous to health.

All of the above methods for cleaning carpets can be easily done right on the spot, without removing the product from the floor. Thus, the carpet may well remain in place before and after washing, the main thing is to ensure a good flow of fresh air at the end so that the product dries with natural ventilation. Otherwise, the cleaning process is not complicated and does not require large energy costs to move it to the right place.

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