The best cheap floor disinfectants

The apartment should not only be cozy and tastefully decorated, but also clean and safe to live in. Many housewives strive to choose harmless cleaning products, without even realizing that they are always at hand.

wash the floor

Floor disinfectants

The choice of floor cleaning products is huge. When purchasing, you should pay attention to many characteristics, as well as take into account the type of coating and where it is located. All products can be divided into chemical (purchased) and folk remedies.


Store-bought drugs contain substances that are not safe for the human body. They should be used in moderation and with caution.

Folk remedies

Natural preparations are considered not only effective, but also safe. Basically it is ordinary water with substances dissolved in it. Let's consider well-known remedies that have been tested over the years.

Baking soda

Soda has abrasive properties. It effectively copes not only with smooth, but also with fluffy surfaces. So, after pouring a thin layer of soda on the carpet and waiting 10-15 minutes, you can safely brush and vacuum the surface.

floor soda


With this product you can not only disinfect the floor, but also eliminate the unpleasant odor.It is suitable for unglazed tiles. For this, 1 tbsp. l. Add ammonia to 1 liter of water and start cleaning.


Table vinegar will easily remove limescale. It is applied to the tiles, for example, in the bathroom, wait 10 minutes and rinse with warm water. For the floors in other rooms, prepare a solution at the rate of 2 tbsp. l. for 1 liter of water. The product is perfect for linoleum and vinyl flooring, but treat wood with care.

floor vinegar

Important! Vinegar is contraindicated for marble and granite, as it disrupts the integrity of the stone.

Add a drop of lavender oil to the solution. This will eliminate the strong smell of vinegar.


But many experts do not recommend using ethyl alcohol. It can ruin the floor covering. In addition, it cannot be used with chlorine-containing reagents. This combination may be harmful to health.

However, there is an old recipe: take 1/3 of a bottle of alcohol per bucket of water. Remember that it is better not to experiment with modern materials.

Tea tree oil

Tea tree is one of the best natural antiseptics. After using it, a pleasant fresh smell will linger in the room for a long time.

floor tea tree

Linseed oil

Flaxseed oil destroys some types of microbes and fungi. They are advised to wipe varnished and wooden textures. The oil is absorbed into the wood, protects it and gives it a noble shine. Oil can be mixed with vinegar in a 1:1 ratio and rubbed onto the surface.

floor linseed oil

Lemon juice and soda

Lemon has excellent disinfectant properties. It scrubs away grease and dirt, resists mildew, and is a natural aromatic.

floor lemon

When lemon juice, washing powder and soda are combined, an acid-base environment is formed in which bacteria die.

Safety regulations

Some products must be used with extreme caution, as they can cause harm to the surface. For example, hydrogen peroxide can discolor the coating if left for too long. Products should not come into contact with eyes.

Be sure to use rubber gloves and cloth masks. Also, work in a ventilated area.

After renovation

Cleaning up after renovation work can take a whole day. Dust and small particles are removed using a vacuum cleaner.

wash the floor after renovation

Soap solution

Dirt after repair is difficult to remove. Therefore, it is recommended to remove acrylic paint and putty immediately. Undry material can be washed off much easier with ordinary soapy water. The whitewash is removed with a stiff brush and washed with cool water. But the enamel can be removed only with the help of solvents.


Regular table salt is a good surface disinfectant. But it cannot be used on all types of flooring; in particular, natural wood does not react well to a highly concentrated salt solution.


To keep the apartment always clean, it is advisable to clean it on a regular basis and destroy harmful microbes. Among the cheap preparations for floor disinfection considered, each housewife will be able to choose the best option for herself.

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