How long should linoleum rest?

Linoleum is a simple flooring material. It does not require special care. Its installation is simple, even untrained people can do it. In small rooms (up to 20 sq. m.) it is not even glued, but secured using a plinth. But as in every business, there are certain nuances. They are basic, but failure to comply will quickly render the product unusable and its appearance will be lost.

How long does it take for linoleum to settle?

How long should linoleum rest?The adaptation time depends on its characteristics: quality, how many layers are provided and the type of coating itself. There is no need to rush. You need to let it sit in the roll for a couple of days. He needs to “get used” to the level of humidity and temperature conditions of the room where he will lie for many years.

IMPORTANT! In the cold, the material becomes brittle, so it is carefully brought into the room and placed in a corner without bending the corners. At subzero temperatures, the coating loses its flexibility, and if disturbed, it will crack and even burst.

How long does linoleum need to sit? After the roll has stood, you can begin the initial installation. To do this, take measurements and cut out the required piece with a margin of at least 10 cm on each side. Let it sit for at least a day, sometimes the waiting time is two days, so you need to monitor changes in external characteristics.It is advisable to provide good ventilation so that all extraneous industrial odors disappear.

How long will it take for linoleum to spread out on the floor?

How long should linoleum rest?How long should linoleum rest? High-quality material straightens within 20 hours. If even on the third day the linoleum does not lie flat, it means that either the floor was prepared incorrectly or the coating was chosen of poor quality.

  1. Trimming is carried out only after the linoleum has rested and straightened. Some types may shrink or expand over time, depending on the composition.
  2. Taking into account the error, builders cut strictly along the wall, and then check again after two or three days. It is important to control how he “behaves”.
  3. If the area has increased, then you need to cut off the excess, leaving a gap of 5 mm. If the material has shrunk, then it is glued, since there will be no shrinkage of more than 1 cm.

How many days should linoleum be left in place to cure? New technologies offer coatings that practically do not shrink. During long-term use, do not try to make waves and break out from under the baseboard. The time will directly depend on the quality and reliability of the materials used in the manufacture of the coating.

REFERENCE! Thick, solid products (for example, with soundproofing properties) will straighten out faster than their thin counterparts.

How to make the material spread out faster

How long should linoleum rest?How long does linoleum need to sit? It is recommended to use a weight, this helps speed up the process. You can put boards or plinths along the edges. It’s better not to force things and let things happen naturally. A common mistake made by a beginner: incorrect acceleration with heavy objects with sharp corners scratches the top layer.

After laying the covering, you should wait another two days and then start working on the baseboards and arranging the furniture.

How long should linoleum sit on the floor? There is no need to rush; repairs require thoughtfulness and responsibility at every stage of the work, so as not to regret annoying omissions in the future.

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