How to smooth linoleum on a wave floor

linoleum with wavesMany people mistakenly consider linoleum to be a very easy-to-use material with which there are usually no problems. But at the same time, problems often arise with it - a consequence of improper installation and non-compliance with technology. The most common mistake is improper fixation of the floor covering.

And if you do not follow the operating rules, you can not only stretch the coating to the point of bubbles, but also tear it with heavy objects when rearranging furniture. How to prevent the appearance of waves on linoleum or correct the situation when the material has become wavy? It is possible to straighten or straighten linoleum that has been sitting for a long time and remove creases!

Features of the material

Linoleum is a polymer material that can often be found on the floors of many apartments. This coating is produced in rolls, which is very convenient for purchase and transportation. Manufacturers offer a wide range of linoleum of various sizes and parameters. This is a budget type of covering that can be installed in any room without joints.

The material has many advantages:

  • ease of care;
  • not afraid of moisture and dirt;
  • does not deform if installed correctly;
  • scratch resistance;
  • you can install the coating yourself, you don’t need to hire specialists or gain special knowledge;
  • there are no traces left on the surface of the coating from wet feet, as happens when covering the floor with laminate;
  • This is an excellent heat and sound insulating material that can eliminate extraneous noise from neighbors below. This type of coating is especially relevant in apartments of old construction, since the ceilings in them are very thin;
  • long service life, which can reach more than 10 years (depending on the type of coating);
  • Buyers are offered a huge selection of this material - it differs in colors and thickness of the protective layer. There is linoleum, which imitates expensive natural materials such as stone, wood, tiles and parquet.

smoothingOf course, this coating also has disadvantages - it is unnatural and does not allow air to pass through. But science and technology do not stand still, and today some manufacturers are beginning to produce analogues of linoleum using natural fibers.

There are currently four types of coatings:

  • household linoleum is an inexpensive material, but not durable enough, so it is used when arranging rooms with minimal loads;
  • household reinforced - with a large protective layer, it can be either with or without insulation on the reverse side. It is used in walkable rooms, bedrooms, and can withstand greater loads than ordinary household material;
  • semi-commercial material - strong and durable, able to withstand light loads. Ideal for halls, corridors and walk-through rooms;
  • commercial – made from durable, abrasion-resistant material. It is even used in public organizations and institutions.

How waves are created

Many home craftsmen, when laying linoleum, encountered such a problem as waves on the surface of the floor covering. This may be due to the following points:

  • savings on transportation, for example, when the buyer tries to deliver large-volume linoleum himself in the trunk of a car. As a result, a kink appears that is very difficult to smooth out - you get a wave on the coating;
  • long-term storage in a roll, when the material takes and retains its shape, so it needs to rest for a certain time to smooth out;
  • If the material was laid without fixation, then when rearranging the furniture, a wave may appear on it. If it is not leveled in time, it will turn into a permanent defect;

Interesting fact! Bubbles and waves can also appear on old material if the technology was violated during installation. If you do not notice them in time, the floor covering may break or bend - a defect that is almost impossible to eliminate without leaving a trace.

creasesOften the reason for strong ripples on the linoleum floor is failure to maintain the technological gaps between the wall and the canvas - it should be at least 1 cm.

In fact, modern material does not shrink or stretch, so after the coating has been on the floor for the required amount of time, it must be trimmed in accordance with the requirements.

How to smooth out waves: ways

There are many ways to rid linoleum of waves and air bubbles, for example:

  • a simple way is to leave it on the floor, and the unevenness will go away naturally;
  • level using mechanical action;
  • place the load on the surface;
  • heat the material with a hair dryer;
  • iron through thick foil - if the swelling area is not large.

smooth linoleumExperts identify several methods to correct uneven surfaces:

  • if you have just bought the material, then roll it out on the surface facing up and leave it for several days - all the unevenness will smooth out by itself;
  • There are still waves - try putting on a press. To do this, place a heavy object at the site of the swelling. But at the same time, it is advisable to place a sheet of thick plywood on the material and then weigh it down. You can put a stack of books or buckets of water;
  • there is no time to wait - twist the roll with the front side inward and leave for 24 hours, the unevenness will disappear. In this case, the main thing is time; if the material lies in a twisted state for a long time, then the waves will appear again.

Interesting! Construction crews do not allow the linoleum to settle; they level it mechanically. To do this, one edge of the material is pressed with a plinth, and using a rule, the surfaces are leveled and secured on the opposite side. Then the process is repeated, but from other walls.

If there are constant temperature changes in the room, then the flooring can either stretch or shrink during use, so when cutting the material, leave a little space between the flooring and the wall

How to smooth out waves with repairs made

If unevenness appears on the floor covering during operation, the elimination depends on how the material was installed previously.

If the flooring was made without the use of glue, then proceed as follows:

  • dismantle the threshold and baseboards;
  • straighten the material with any flat object at hand;
  • if as a result of this process the canvas begins to extend onto the walls, it is trimmed;
  • support the flooring under weight and install all elements in place.

To prevent a similar situation from happening again, it is better to size the linoleum.

Often, when installing a material with glue, the technology is violated. As a result, in some places the flooring moves away from the base, and air bubbles appear, which you can try to remove without dismantling:

  • pierce the bubble with an awl or thick shoe needle;
  • release the air and smooth the plane;
  • insert a syringe with glue into the hole and squeeze out the required amount of adhesive;
  • Press the area to the floor, place a piece of plywood on it and place a bucket of water on it - leave until completely dry.

It is impossible to level the old coating, which has hardened over time, without the help of hot air. For the process to be successful, it is better to use a construction hair dryer, which is used to heat the material until it is completely leveled.

spread linoleumOften, during long-term use, dents from heavy furniture appear on the surface of the material, which become noticeable when moving it to another place. In this situation, a regular iron can help. But it is impossible to iron linoleum without a protective coating, so before carrying out the process, a piece of foil is placed at the treatment site, through which the material is heated. High temperatures cause the polymer coating to shrink and expand.


Of course, in order for the result to be positive and the laid floor covering to last for a long time, the installation technology must be strictly followed. In addition, the linoleum itself must be of high quality, and the room in which it will be laid must be warm and dry.But if trouble in the form of unevenness does occur, then it is advisable to know in advance how to deal with it, so as not to waste time and money on purchasing and installing new linoleum. Using the advice of experts described above, you can cope with both waves on the floor and swelling of the material.

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