How to move heavy furniture on linoleum

Moving heavy furniture can be so difficult that you have to use additional tools to do it. Otherwise, moving even a small cabinet will be extremely difficult. In addition, moving furniture can cause serious injury or even damage the floor covering. That is why it is recommended to use one of the recommendations below.

How to move heavy furniture on linoleum

Consequences of careless handling of linoleum

If you do not pay due attention to choosing the most correct method for moving heavy furniture, the linoleum may even tear. There may also be numerous damages left on it. In some cases it may stretch.

Consequences of careless handling of linoleum

How to move furniture on linoleum?

In order to make moving furniture as easy as possible, you need to use special methods that have been known for more than one generation. In some cases, you will have to purchase special devices. It is also recommended to try one of the traditional methods. Then you can save money because you don’t have to buy anything.

Traditional methods

There are many traditional methods for moving furniture. In particular, you can try placing old jeans, pork rind, or even a rug with a non-slip base under the furniture. This will be quite enough.

Old rag for moving furniture

Modern methods for solving the problem

Today, you can find special products on the open market that allow you to cope with this problem in the most elegant way. You can purchase special silicone grease or furniture stands. Using these tools is extremely simple, so you can limit yourself to reading the instructions that come with the kit.

Furniture moving kit

Moving a Heavy Cabinet

Moving a heavy cabinet deserves special attention. You can cope with this task alone, but if possible, it is recommended to involve as many people as possible in the work. This will make it easier to move the cabinet.

It is best to use a special smooth plastic stand. You can make the task easier with the help of glycerin. This product will make the surface smoother and more gliding. Then the cabinet on the stand will go through much faster and you will have to put in much less effort.


Before starting work, it is recommended to prepare in advance. To do this, you need to buy products that can make it easier to move furniture on the floor. It will not be superfluous to stock up on folk remedies. They will come in handy in case complex chemical or technical means do not help.

You also need to remove all obstacles from the path of movement of a cabinet or other heavy furniture in advance. This could be not only other furniture, but also some small objects that impede movement. Most often we are talking about wires.They pose a serious hazard to most people, who can trip and fall over them.

It is advisable to find an assistant who could make this task at least a little easier. Third-party help will never be superfluous when it comes to repairing or rearranging furniture.

How to move heavy furniture on linoleum using lard?

Pork skinThis method may seem strange or even blasphemous, because using food not to satisfy hunger is terrible. However, in this case it is justified. You need to place a piece of lard under the furniture, namely at the very edge, so that the furniture slides better on the floor. After this, you can begin to carefully move it. It is worth preparing in advance for the unpleasant smell that will come from under the cabinet. You can use a gauze bandage to prevent this smell from distracting you from your work.

How to move heavy objects with a mat

Usually rugs are placed in the bathroom or when I come. In this case, we are talking about a small rug, and not a rug that can be found in a room or on a wall. Large carpets are not suitable for moving furniture. What do you need to do to get at least a little benefit from the mat? To do this, you need to turn it pile side down and put furniture on top. This method doesn't work for all cabinets, so it's best to only use rugs with small cabinets that don't weigh too much. If we are talking about a fairly large closet, then you will have to use several rugs at once, this will not be so easy to do.

Why should you give preference to this method? The thing is that the pile glides perfectly on almost any floor covering.

Mobility mat

How to move a refrigerator on linoleum

WD 40Moving a refrigerator is much more difficult than moving a cabinet. The thing is that refrigerators are very heavy, so it is extremely difficult to cope with this task alone. The task becomes doubly difficult if you need to move the refrigerator on linoleum. The heavy weight of the refrigerator can cause numerous damages. In this case, it is recommended to use WD 40 lubricant. You need to lubricate the entire lower base of the refrigerator with it. After this, moving the device will be much easier.

Alternatively, you can try turning the refrigerator on its side, be careful as it is heavy. You need to be careful, otherwise you can easily break it.

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