What is linoleum

LinoleumThe material has “taken root” in various fields. The consumer only deals with the choice of material. Currently, this floor covering does not yet have an alternative in terms of practicality, durability and price range.

What is linoleum

Linoleum is a thick film, a fabric that is impregnated with a mixture of cork powder and oil on a linen base for flooring and wall upholstery. The material is also identified with polymer roll material for flooring.

According to the standards of the Old World, this is a coating where only natural oils and resins are used as a binding element. However, in our country this concept also means elastic coating using synthetic resins.

Attention! The types of this material vary depending on their composition.


Features of the material

Today, the types of such coatings are divided according to the composition of the binders into several large classes:

  1. Natural, which is based only on natural ingredients - linseed oil, pine resin, oak bark flour, limestone powder, natural colorants. This linoleum comes with or without a base of jute fabric. This type does not modify brightness, is resistant to acid-base influence, and does not fade.
  2. PVC linoleum, which has several varieties. Its base can be non-woven, fabric or foam. Options are available without a base, with one or several layers.A nuance of such linoleum is the indispensable consideration of shrinkage.
  3. Colloxin, which does not require a base, is moisture resistant and elastic. The main disadvantage is the high degree of flammability.
  4. The glypthal version has a woven base and perfectly insulates heat and noise. Over time, the canvas may shorten in length and stretch in width, which will certainly affect the installation process.
  5. Rubber cover. Its bottom layer is crushed wood, and the top layer is synthetic rubber and the corresponding filler. It is elastic and moisture-resistant, but it is unsuitable for homes, since it may release substances harmful to people.
  6. Marmoleum refers to the modern know-how of floor coverings made of resin, cork and jute. Despite the relative fragility of the product at the edges, large weight, hardening over time, the material is hygienic, fireproof, antistatic, with good thermal insulation characteristics, and economic cost.


The first two options are the most common. The first is for environmental friendliness and safety, the second is for a significantly lower cost.

Important! It is recommended to choose a material that has a foam base. The coating will last a long time and will not lose strength. And you can’t deny practicality.

If you feel that the room is too wide, you should measure the length of the floor in at least 6 places. If the impression does not lead you, then it’s time to purchase the widest version of linoleum with a five-meter width.

Where is linoleum used?

The variations of the described coating are very numerous, and the scope of its use is directly related to the type of its main component and structural features.

Since producing heterogeneous PVC coatings with multilayers, the authors vary the product depending on the purpose of use. Then the application is both in ordinary apartments and in commercial structures. Homogeneous PVC coatings withstand mechanical loads well, so they are optimal for office premises and public buildings. The homogeneity of the natural version allows its use in sectors similar to homogeneous coatings. This option is considered special due to lack of sales volume.

The coating described is a modern tribute to fashion, and its use is sustainable in all areas of our lives. This is due to the types of coverage: household version - for residential premises, semi-commercial - for offices, commercial - for places of special load, such as large sports complexes, train stations, halls.


When to choose linoleum

The use of new technologies and materials shows linoleum in the best consumer light for buyers. Preference is given due to:

  1. Simple installation, possible without the involvement of specialists. The main thing is the correct choice and execution of installation.
  2. Relatively low price compared to parquet and laminate. And the variety of palettes and textures will allow you to find exactly your option.
  3. Easy to care for, with easy tolerance to wet cleaning, dampness and washing products. The original appearance is preserved for a long time.
  4. Resistant to temperature changes, any level of humidity and mechanical abrasion.
  5. Almost instant use for its intended purpose after installation work. Linoleum will last for at least ten years.


It is advisable for clients not to forget about external presentability, preservation of the original colors, and decorativeness. Modern textures will bring harmony and originality to the house.

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