How to glue linoleum to a wooden floor

linoleumLaying linoleum is the easiest way to update the floor surface while obtaining a high-quality coating. But before you proceed directly to installation, you should carefully consider some points. The first of them is a coating option: household or semi-commercial, on “foam” or on “pile”. The next step is preliminary preparation of the surface in order to subsequently glue the coating. The service life of the linoleum and the appearance of the floor after repair will depend on your choice.

Considering the first point, you should know that this material is divided into classes from 21 to 33, while household materials are labeled 21, 22, 23, and increasing the class increases its security. It is also worth noting that it is better to choose linoleum that is produced using the pressed method: it will be easy to clean and quite strong. Next, you should pay attention to the basis of the material. It should be noted that the base made of artificial felt gives this coating greater strength.

REFERENCE! A prerequisite for long-term use of the coating is to lay it on an absolutely flat surface. The floor can be leveled using chipboard or OSB. If this is not done, then the linoleum in the protruding parts will quickly become unusable.

How to choose a glue

Gluing the coating is not such a mandatory rule.It is performed mainly in the following cases:

  • The area of ​​the room exceeds ten squares. Over a large space, the coating has a risk of moving and forming unsightly waves or even tearing;
  • Linoleum is not laid in one piece. This happens in cases where the room has an irregular geometric shape or non-standard dimensions (for example, 5.5mx6m).

installationTo fix this coating, manufacturers produce two types of adhesives:

  • Reactions are made on the basis of epoxy resin. They are more expensive. They also have a strong chemical smell;
  • Dispersion compositions are obtained by mixing water, acrylic and cellulose glycolic acid. This mixture is odorless and affordable. But it does not tolerate low temperatures. When frozen, its composition is destroyed.

Dispersion adhesive range

wooden baseThere are currently several types of suitable glue for this work:

  • PVA. This is exactly the composition that we are used to using in everyday life for various tasks. It is remarkable in that it is easy to remove if necessary;
  • Acrylate. This composition is better than all others for use in rooms with high load on the flooring: kitchen, hallway;
  • Bustilat. Ideal for fixing material on an artificial felt base;
  • Bitumen mastic. Another good composition for gluing felt-based coatings. It will also smooth out small unevenness in the wooden floor.

Reference! Before gluing, the material must be given time to straighten out and take an even shape. To do this, spread it indoors for several hours.

How and why you can’t glue linoleum to a wooden floor

Reaction types of glue are not suitable for fixing linoleum to the surface. There are several reasons why they are not used for this task:

  • These compounds have a pungent, toxic odor that can linger indoors for a long time;
  • This option is highly flammable;
  • This composition is also explosive.

PreparationThe direct purpose of this substance is a reliable seam connection. That is why the second name for such compositions is “cold welding”.


And in conclusion, let me give some useful recommendations for laying flooring:

  • You can level a wooden floor using a plane. Pass it across the boards several times to get rid of unevenness;
  • You should not glue linoleum to a painted surface, as over time it will begin to lag behind the wood, nullifying all your efforts;
  • Before installation work, make sure that the floor surface is absolutely clean. Even minor debris will be felt through the surface of the coating;
  • Before fixing the floor, it is advisable to degrease it;
  • It is not necessary to apply the substance to the entire surface of the floor; it is enough to coat the surface along the perimeter and diagonals.

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