How to remove paint from linoleum

Remove paint from linoleum There are times when you need to paint something indoors. And there is linoleum on the floor. There is a risk of paint stains getting on the coating. Therefore, we have to look for a way to remove the emulsion.

How to remove paint from linoleum

Methods for removing paint from linoleum differ depending on the type of stain. They can be fresh or dried. If the former can be removed with a wet cloth, household chemicals or chemicals, then the latter can only be removed with metal products.

Fresh tracks

Fresh spots may appear during the painting process. It is necessary to quickly get rid of them so that they do not soak into the linoleum and dry out. You can also easily wash away stains left by dirty shoes. Methods for removing stains depend on the type of paint composition.

There are several ways to get rid of fresh spots:

  1. If the coloring agent is based on a water-based suspension, you can wipe the stain with a wet paper napkin. This type of blot is easy to get rid of, because it contains water.
  2. If the composition is oily, it will be more difficult to remove it, since the base contains drying oils. If a small amount of paint gets on the surface, it can be removed with a wet cloth, as in the previous method. Even large stains should be removed with a napkin. Fill the places where the linoleum has already begun to absorb with vegetable oil.It will stop the absorption process and help the composition peel off from the coating. Wash out the remaining suspension with detergent or cleaning agent.
  3. If a nitro-enamel type gets on the surface, you cannot do without special solvents. Not all standard methods will help.

Remove paint from linoleum

Excellent removal products are alcohol and acetone. They are used as follows:

  1. We need to take a cotton swab.
  2. Apply the selected product to it.
  3. Wipe the area until the dye is removed.
  4. Remove any remaining product with a wet cloth.

Reference! In addition to the methods listed, kerosene and a mixture of laundry soap with water and soda will help.

Remove paint from linoleum

Dried spots

Dried stains are much more difficult to wipe off than fresh ones. The dye has already been absorbed into the surface, and even if most of the emulsion is removed, there is a risk that the stain will remain. There are 2 known ways to remove dried stains:

  1. If the film is small, use a scraper or a wire brush. First, moisten a rag in acetone and apply it to the stain. We wait 10 minutes. Once the paint peels off, you can use a brush. You should be careful, metal can damage the surface structure.
  2. If the composition has penetrated very deeply, the only way is to cut off the top layer of painted linoleum. We need to take a sharp knife and carefully trim the stain without damaging the material itself. If possible, the defect will be invisible.

Important! If the material is too sensitive to chemicals, the amount of waiting time after applying acetone can be reduced from 10 to 2 minutes.

Remove paint from linoleum

How not to remove paint stains from linoleum

You need to be careful with solvents. They can damage the structure of linoleum if the material is cheap and poorly resistant to chemical damage.We also pay attention to the concentration of the solvent. If the concentration of active substances is too high, even the most durable material may develop defects. The same is true with any chemicals (acetone or alcohol).Remove paint from linoleum

You also need to be careful with cleaning products. If you scrub too hard, scratches will appear on the surface. It is better to stick to vegetable oil or detergents.

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