How to remove felt-tip pen from linoleum

felt-tip pen on linoleumThe interior consists not only of details, but also of clean, well-groomed surfaces. Therefore, even the smallest error can sometimes ruin the overall impression. It is quite expected that drawings, lines and spots appear on surfaces if there is a small child in the house. Don't be too upset if the stain is caused by a felt-tip pen. Knowing the simplest ways to remove it from different surfaces, you can always keep your home clean.

Household chemicals

You can purchase a special product in the household chemicals department that allows you to remove the felt-tip pen from almost any surface. The product can be made in the form of a paste, a special pen, or liquid. The problem is that such liquids are not always worth buying if the surface is small. It is also worth considering the type of material where the stain appeared.

If the area is small, you can try to remove the pattern with lemon juice. It's worth taking advantage of freshly squeezed lemon juice, not chemical essence. So, there is a guarantee that there is nothing but lemon juice in this liquid. You should wipe the linoleum quickly, and then treat the spot with a damp cloth.

REFERENCE! Linoleum is a synthetic material. Therefore, the lines from the felt-tip pen can be wiped with alcohol (medicinal), as well as toothpaste (without colored pigment), or try using a special nail polish remover.

how to washOne of the most unusual products, but which also works effectively, is hairspray. It requires a quick spray followed by wiping the area with a solution of warm water and soap. You should wipe the area on the floor with a regular rag. Thanks to this, the remaining felt-tip pen is removed.

In some cases, they try to erase stains using a special liquid that wipes the marker off the board. But you shouldn’t expect that it will always cope with a drawing from a felt-tip pen. The fact is that such a product is designed for plastic, and linoleum, although often a synthetic material (although there are natural analogues), has a slightly different structure.

Sometimes alcohol or cologne helps. But it is worth considering that they will leave the stain in the form of a liquid colored puddle, which must be removed with an absorbent rag.

You can also purchase a special sponge in the hardware department - an eraser, which will help erase marker stains from many surfaces; in some cases, it allows you to remove stains from the floor.

How to remove an old stain?

It often happens that it is not always possible to detect a drawing immediately after using a felt-tip pen. And, if it was left in an inconspicuous place on the floor, and even for a long time, then the problem can be solved, but not in the same way as in the case of a fresh drawing.

First of all, you need to understand what type of marker. If it is water-based, it will be easier to remove, even if the mark was made a long time ago. And if the felt-tip pen has a stronger composition, then it is recommended to try to wipe it off with:

  • hydrogen peroxide 3%;
  • gasoline;
  • white-spirit.

cleaning with improvised meansBut you should remember that you need to wipe the felt-tip pen stain point by point, and immediately after exposure to these liquids, take a rag with soapy water to remove any remaining product and the stain itself.

IMPORTANT! If linoleum is made from natural materials, then you can clean it faster without fear that the products will damage the surface or affect the color. Synthetic material requires faster and more delicate cleaning, which requires complete leaching of substances for cleaning after use.

Natural linoleum can be rubbed more intensively, knowing that creases and stains will not form on it.

In any case, you should prepare for the fact that you should wipe it with a cleanser several times at intervals to dry. The stain will fade. If the linoleum is expensive or relatively new, then it is recommended to try the product on a small, inconspicuous area and check the reaction of the surface.

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