Standard laminate size

laminateLaminate is one of the most popular types of flooring. It can be found in almost every apartment. This is justified by its durability and beautiful appearance. But, before laying laminate flooring, you need to know its types and technical features. One of the main indicators is the size of the laminate.

What are the dimensions of the laminate?

what sizes can there beIt is difficult to determine standard laminate sizes because they are different for each class. The main size indicators are length, width and thickness. To determine what laminate sizes are, let's study what its parameters are individually.

Board length

Length is the parameter that varies the most. The range of available lengths is 300–1845 mm. Quite a big gap.

  • The smallest used length of a laminate board is 300. It is found mainly in square and artistic versions that imitate tiles or natural wood.
  • The average length is 1260–1380. This is the option we see most often. It is the most popular because it is easy to work with. With these parameters, the weight is evenly distributed over the surface, and the possibility of breaking the lock is minimized. This length makes it possible to make a familiar and harmonious deck installation.
  • The maximum length is considered to be 1845. But such boards are quite difficult to work with.They are quite heavy, because such a length requires a corresponding width, and they are also more difficult to lay evenly.

board length


This parameter also varies over a fairly wide range. The width of the board depends primarily on the structure. It happens:

  • single-lane;
  • two-way;
  • three-way;
  • multi-band;
  • designer.

board width

Now about the sizes of the presented varieties. Let's look at the existing laminate width parameters (measurements in mm).

  • The lowest indicator is 90. These are narrow panels. Narrow boards include boards up to 160 wide.
  • Boards with a width of 185–195 are the most popular. These are the two-way models we are used to. They are quite easy to work with. They mainly represent an imitation of natural wood.
  • Laminate with a width of 300 or more is three-strip. With a medium length it imitates parquet, with a short length and appropriate coloring it imitates ceramic tiles.
  • Laminate flooring from 300 is considered wide. It is better to entrust its installation to a professional. Often such models are designer ones and embody interesting ideas.


thicknessThis indicator primarily affects the wear resistance and durability of the laminate. Also, the thickness depends on the class and operating conditions.

  • Minimum thickness – 6 mm. This is usually an indicator of vinyl laminate flooring.
  • Chassis – 8 mm.
  • The maximum thickness is 12 mm.

There is also laminate 7, 9.5, 10, 16, 22 mm. This indicator mainly depends on the wear resistance class.

  • Wear resistance class 32 is characterized by a thickness from 7 to 16. Such a wide range is due to operating conditions. For household use it is mainly used 8–9.
  • Class 33 is characterized by greater stability. Here you can find products up to 22 and above.Designed for government agencies, restaurants, bars, dance classes.
  • The average thickness of a 34 grade board is 14–16.

On a note! For household laminate, the running option is 8 mm.

What determines the size of the laminate?

The choice of laminate parameters depends on several factors. Among them, it is worth paying attention, first of all, to the following.

what does the size depend on?

  • Price. The thicker, wider and longer the board, the more expensive it will cost.
  • Terms of Use. This point especially concerns thickness. The higher the load, the larger this parameter should be.
  • Selected design. Length and width especially play a role here. Depending on whether you want an imitation of parquet, tiles, or natural wood, select the appropriate parameters.

Standards for laminate size

Standards for laminate sizeDespite the fact that there are no exact standards, it is possible to highlight the common sizes of laminate flooring. If we consider a regular board for household use, the parameters are as follows:

  • length – 1300 mm;
  • width – 190 mm;
  • thickness 8 mm.

These are the most advantageous sizes for laying laminate flooring in apartments and residential buildings. It is convenient to work with them independently; a board of such parameters has an average price and wear resistance.

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