How long should laminate flooring lie before installation?

In order for the laminate to lie flat when laying, and for there to be no gaps between the tiles, it is necessary to place the material exactly in the room in which the floors will be laid. For many, this measure seems unnecessary, but this necessity is caused, first of all, by the structure of this material. The shape and integrity of the laminate can be compromised due to various circumstances such as humidity, temperature, etc. That is why you need to give it time to rest before laying it. This is especially important in cases where previously the panels were in an unheated and cold room with humidity different from the place where they will be installed.

How long should you rest before styling?

How long should laminate flooring lie before installation?How long should laminate flooring lie before installation? The laminate needs to “get used” to the surrounding conditions for some time. This usually takes at least two days. It is allowed to leave it for a longer time in order to avoid the appearance of gaps and damage at the joints of the plates.

What happens if the material doesn’t settle?

How long should laminate flooring lie before installation?Since the laminate base always contains wood, this material is quite sensitive to sudden changes in humidity or temperature. This makes it prone to changes in shape and structural integrity, which renders the panels completely unusable.

However, “slight” distortion is also possible.In this case, the joints will simply stand out very much, and the floor may turn out to be uneven.

Rules for curing the material before laying

How long should laminate flooring lie before installation?To prevent the material from deforming during “acclimatization,” it should be stored in special packaging in a horizontal position. Violating this rule may result in deformation.

During installation, you can prepare the necessary tools for further work. And also, in order to save time, you should treat the surface on which the material will be located. To install laminate flooring, the floor must be dried and cleaned. Then lay a special backing. You should also decide in advance what layout to lay the laminate. To choose the best option, you should look at all possible images with different types.

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