What is the best mop for laminate flooring?

types of mopsIncreasingly, you can notice that indoor flooring is such as laminate. Of course, he requires special care. In this article, we will try to find out which mop is best to arm ourselves with, and also consider ways that will help avoid damage.

Types of mops

Indeed, there are several varieties that differ from each other in functionality, material, quality, size and even design. Below are the most common options that are available for sale:

  1. Rag making is a composite mechanism: the rag itself and a wooden attachment. This is the simplest model, however, it is not suitable for many surfaces. Often it is used only for cleaning linoleum. But the cost can please everyone, since it provides accessibility for society.
  2. The structure with a sponge attachment already has greater functionality than the previous one. In addition, interaction with it is easy and fast. As for the disadvantages, it is fragility in operation, as well as the inability to walk on the surface under low furniture.
  3. The butterfly mop has a unique design, but it absorbs quite a lot of liquid.
  4. The product with microfiber has a flat shape, which means it can be used under any objects. And due to the special material, no moisture remains after the procedure.
  5. The rope version has a special spin.

REFERENCE! However, this does not help collect a lot of dust and animal hair.

  1. The founder is durable and has excellent absorbent material.
  2. And the most modern model is steam. It has a large list of advantages: harmlessness, versatility, convenience.

How can a mop harm laminate flooring?

mop for laminate flooringDepending on the model of the selected device, certain sources of defects can be identified. For example, hard and rough products can easily scratch the surface. And there are those that do not absorb various liquids well. Consequently, after cleaning, moisture will remain, which, of course, will lead to a deterioration in the condition of the coating. Accordingly, each design has those shortcomings that contribute to one or another appearance of defects. Therefore, you need to know which mop to choose.

Which mop is best for laminate flooring?

To make the most appropriate choice, you should familiarize yourself with the following recommendations:

  • Perhaps the most important requirement for a product to care for the presented surface is the ability to absorb moisture as quickly and efficiently as possible. Therefore, it should dry out the space perfectly.
  • If you are going to reproduce dry cleaning, then the most suitable option would be a mop with a yarn attachment. As for the handle, it is better to choose the longest one.
  • For large rooms, it is advisable to pay attention to rectangular tips, since they are the ones that capture even the smallest debris.
  • In another case, when the area is small in size, it is worth choosing a household product. It would be better if it was made with microfiber.
  • In places with heavy contamination, nozzles made with short loops are suitable.

If you do not rely on the wishes described above, then a mop with a wringer will act as a universal unit, since it will protect against unwanted moisture.

How to wash laminate flooring at home without spoiling it?

washing laminateIt is necessary to carefully and constantly care for a certain surface. Thus, there are several rules that will help the owner extend the service life:

  1. Hard appliances should be kept away from cleaning; this may include both metal and plastic coating.
  2. Acetone or ethyl alcohol is useful for removing stains, as they are excellent at removing unwanted residues.

ATTENTION! Under no circumstances should you use products that contain an abrasive substance. This is explained by the fact that this element will most likely spoil the surface due to the appearance of holes.

  1. For large particles of debris, it is recommended to use a regular broom. If you find fine dust, you can easily remove it with a vacuum cleaner.
  2. If you use a steam cleaner in the process, you should create an additional distance from the area itself to the device. This can be done using a napkin.
  3. It is important to pay attention only to those detergents that are intended exclusively for laminate flooring.

Thus, by following the recommendations presented above, each user is able to independently not only extend the life of the coating, but also give it a unique shine using certain solutions.The main thing is to choose the right design and use special compounds.

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