Do I need to prime the floor before laying laminate?

Primer.Laminate is one of the most common coatings in recent years, which is explained by a number of reasons. In addition to satisfactory technical characteristics and easy installation, it is also distinguished by its aesthetic appearance and low cost. All this makes it an excellent option among all other floor coverings on the market.

But when installing it yourself, some owners of laminate flooring have a question: do they need to prime the floor before doing this? In order to find out the correct answer, you need to carefully study the rules for laying such a coating, as well as the purpose of the primer.

Surface requirements for laying laminate

To begin with, you should understand that the durability of the coating and its quality directly depend on the correct base on which it is laid. Therefore, the surface must be prepared before installation.

Surface requirements for laying laminate

IMPORTANT! Not many people know that over time, laminate flooring can follow all the curves and unevenness of the floor, and this leads to its damage. Because kinks, holes and other unpleasant effects are formed that not only spoil the appearance of the room, but also reduce the comfort in using the coating.

In addition, proper preparation also facilitates the installation process.That is why it is so important to know exactly what requirements exist for the surface that is going to be covered with laminate. She must be:

  1. Perfectly clean. Rinse the floor thoroughly several times so that there is absolutely no contamination on it.
  2. As even and smooth as possible. This ensures a tight fit of the laminate to the base, which is the key to the durability and strength of the coating.
  3. Dry. Some inexperienced craftsmen who set out to install laminate flooring at home on their own are faced with the problem of its subsequent swelling. This is due to the fact that the floor was not pre-dried. In addition, it must be resistant to moisture, otherwise swelling cannot be avoided.

Why do you need a primer?

Not everyone understands why a primer is needed and what effect it provides. As mentioned above, high-quality coating is only possible if the floor is equally well prepared before starting work. This ensures reliable adhesion of the laminate to the floor. This is where primer helps.

With its help, the laminate adheres more tightly to the surface. But there are also other useful functions of the primer:

  1. It makes the base smoother, more uniform and even. This occurs due to the fact that all the voids that exist in the surface are filled with this substance and become less noticeable. Thus, the strength of the floor also increases.
  2. Although the floor will still have to be washed before installation, particles of dust or some kind of dirt may remain on it. After all, no one can vouch for perfect cleanliness. The primer helps get rid of minor dirt and make the surface perfect.
  3. Another additional advantage is that the primer makes the floor more moisture resistant, which means even more reliable and durable.

Coating the base with a primer.

Is it necessary to prime the screed before laying the laminate?

So, is it still necessary to prime the floor? Even the most experienced professionals do not give a definite answer. But most of them are still inclined to do what is needed.

Judge for yourself by studying all the benefits of primer. With its help, you will be confident in the result and will be able to enjoy the perfect coating for many years. All the properties of the laminate can thus be demonstrated in the best possible way.

The time spent on priming, as well as the material costs, are undoubtedly worth it. The process itself is not so complicated that you have to turn to the experts - you can easily cope with the task yourself if you follow all the instructions and cover the surface as carefully as possible.

Thus, the primer will make the floor as ready as possible for laminate installation, which is why most professionals still advise doing this. If you want to enjoy quality for a long time, then you should not save.

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