Carpet or laminate which is better?

Carpet or laminate which is better?When starting to renovate a room, you need to clearly imagine how it should look after all the finishing work is completed. An important stage in the design of the future design is the choice of flooring. Unprepared buyers are usually lost in stores, deciding whether to choose laminate or carpet, or perhaps use some other floor covering. To make the right choice, you need to know all the advantages and disadvantages of the material.

Pros and cons of carpet

In appearance, the carpet resembles an ordinary carpet with a long pile. It is incredibly soft and creates a cozy atmosphere in the room. However, the price for natural and environmentally friendly options is quite high. As an alternative, many buyers choose cheaper synthetic carpet, but its service life is several times shorter.

Important! The most important advantage is softness and beauty. A cozy home environment is created through the use of such flooring; you want to walk on it, feeling the soft pile under your feet.

The main disadvantages of carpet are:

  • possibility of pushing through heavy furniture;
  • difficulty in care;
  • the uselessness of dry cleaning when removing particularly difficult stains.

Carpet There are some disadvantages, but they are not critical. Many people give their preference to this material, especially for decorating bedrooms and children's rooms.At the same time, it is quite easy to lay carpet on any surface with your own hands and the floor will never be too cold.

Pros and cons of laminate

The main advantage of laminate is its maintainability. The boards are easily assembled into a single structure and disassembled, which makes it possible, if one or several lamellas are damaged, to easily replace them without dismantling the entire floor.

In addition, laminate is very beautiful and durable, gives a special atmosphere to the room. It is very easy to care for this type of coating; it is unpretentious.Laminate

The main disadvantage of laminate is the difficulty in installing it. The procedure involves a multi-step process with preliminary leveling and the use of additional materials.

Important! Laminate cannot be laid on an unleveled surface, as this will shorten its service life and quickly ruin its ideal appearance.

Comparative analysis

Carpet and laminate are considered one of the most popular types of flooring. This is due to the wide variety of choices in finishing materials stores, as well as the fairly flexible prices for both products. They are available to almost every citizen of our country.

To choose the best coverage, you need to consider several factors:

  • the room where the material will be used (in the bedroom, where dirt is minimal, you can lay carpet, and in rooms with high traffic per day, for example, the living room or kitchen, it is better to use laminate);
  • “weather” in the room (if the apartment has cold floors, it is better to choose carpet, it will reliably protect your feet from the coolness);
  • Personal preferences (many housewives refuse beautiful and impressive carpet in favor of laminate, because the former requires too much care).

It is quite difficult to determine specifically what is better and what is worse; it all depends on personal preferences. Each housewife must independently choose the flooring option. Many modern designers even offer spectacular combinations using these two types of flooring.

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