How to repair a chip in laminate flooring

Sometimes laminate flooring can become chipped. This nuisance spoils the aesthetic appearance of the room. In order to get out of an unpleasant situation, there are special ways.

How to repair a small chip in laminate flooring

how to repair a chip in laminate flooringThe reason for this situation is poor quality material. How to repair a chip in laminate flooring? It is not at all necessary to dismantle a section of the floor and then replace it. It will be enough to use special tools issued for these purposes. For example:

  1. Putties (they are affordable, protect the flooring from dust, moisture, dirt. You just need to choose the right color).
  2. Mixtures of building gypsum and sawdust (when mixed, a paste is obtained, which is applied to the chip. If it is too deep, you must first fill it with wood chips. Instead of gypsum, you can use PVA glue).
  3. Acrylic sealant (ready-made composition. Apply to the chip with a spatula. Several approaches may be needed to fill all the voids. After leveling the floor, it is painted with a colored pencil, since the sealant is white).
  4. Wax chalk (heated to a plastic consistency. Then placed in the gap and leveled with a spatula, sometimes with a knife).
  5. Resin (polyester or epoxy. It is enough to cut out the badly damaged area and place a new one on the resin).
  6. Touch-up marker (used for small, small damage.Apply to the damaged area. More suitable for dark-colored flooring).
  7. Mastic for wood.

What to do with a chip caused by cutting

How to repair a chip in laminate flooringThe best option would be to replace the damaged area. But sometimes the defect “goes” under the threshold or baseboard. If the cut is not too large, you can try to restore it in a simpler way:

  • clean the damaged area from dust and dirt;
  • degrease (you can use alcohol, acetone, white spirit);
  • fill the void with wood chips if the damage is deep;
  • apply a suitable mixture (resin, mixture, acrylic sealant);
  • remove excess, level the surface;
  • let dry;
  • sand (with sandpaper. Markers are not used here);
  • coat with protective varnish;
  • wait for complete drying (at least 60 minutes).

Then you can walk on the floor.

How to disguise a covered chip

how to repair a chip in laminate flooringHow to repair a chip in laminate flooring? For this purpose, special means are produced, which include:

  1. Colored mastic.
  2. Wax crayons (many color nuances).
  3. Wax pencils (different colors).
  4. Transparent sealant with hardener and colorant, consisting of many components.

After applying the composition or product of the desired tone over the aggregate, the floor is covered with clear varnish. Thus, protection and camouflage of the covered chip is created. Also, many manufacturers began to produce special repair kits for their specific range of laminates. These are certified products that include wax crayons or clear sealants with a hardener, a multi-component dye.

It should be remembered that sealants shrink when dry. Therefore, it is recommended to add some colored mastic on top.Dyeing the required color and subsequent varnishing will completely remove the defect.

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