How to remove scratches from laminate flooring

scratchLaminate has firmly entered our lives. It is increasingly used as a floor covering and there are several reasons for this.

What are the advantages of laminate?

  • Beautiful appearance, almost indistinguishable from parquet boards or stone.
  • A wide variety of colors and patterns that easily allow you to choose the desired color scheme that matches your planned design.
  • Ease and simplicity of installation does not require professional knowledge. The floor can be laid by anyone without much difficulty.
  • It does not require special or complex care. It is enough to wipe it with a damp cloth. Thanks to the protective layer, it does not absorb stubborn stains (for example, from wine), and marks from felt-tip pens or paint are easily removed with acetone.
  • Thanks to the substrate laid under the laminate, its sound-absorbing properties are improved.
  • This is a durable and quite abrasion-resistant material.

However, despite all the ease of maintenance and durability, laminate flooring can be damaged. A scratch may occur, for example, when rearranging furniture with legs. Abrasions also form. But it is possible to restore laminate flooring.

Where do scratches and abrasions come from?

defectsAny floor covering is subject to abrasion.

  • Reason 1.No matter how hard the owner tries to keep the room clean, there is always the possibility of coarse sand or miniature stones being brought into the apartment.

REFERENCE! If it is not removed in time, they can lead to the appearance of small scratches on the laminate, which are completely invisible at first, but grow over time.

  • Reason 2. Sometimes you have to move furniture, and if they try to lift large objects, such as cabinets and sofas, higher, then an ordinary chair or stool is sometimes moved directly across the floor. This may cause medium or rather deep scratches on the coating.
  • Reason 3. Poorly hung door panels can cause quite deep and wide abrasions when walking across the floor every day.
  • Reason 4. Hairpins and claws. The long and sharp heels of ladies' shoes take on the entire weight of the owner. Walking on laminate flooring in them is not a good idea, as such shoes can damage the protective layer, form small holes or chip the panels. The long, sharp claws of large domestic animals act in a similar way.
  • Reason 5. Falling heavy or sharp objects can not only lead to an unpleasant scratch, but also break off a piece of the lamella.

How to fix small scratches

disguiseIf small scratches appear, do not panic. They can be eliminated quite easily and quickly. You just need to act quickly, without waiting for a minor nuisance to grow into a big problem.

  • When removing a small defect, you can use varnish or wood enamel of a suitable color. You should carefully apply the substance to a thoroughly wiped surface and wait until it dries.
  • Special wax crayons work well.
  • Or you can use regular olive oil. To do this, just apply a few drops of this liquid to the floor and rub them in thoroughly with a clean, dry cloth. The result will appear within 10-15 minutes. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated after a couple of days. The coating should be thoroughly washed and dried before the procedure.

How to repair deep scratches

Deeper scratches will require more complex actions, however, they can also be repaired.

  • Wax pencil. This product will not only eliminate existing marks, but also prevent the appearance of new ones. These pencils are produced in a variety of colors, so it is convenient to choose the required color with them. You can purchase them at the same hardware store where you bought the laminate itself. The technology for using a pencil is quite simple - a cleanly washed and dried floor is painted over with a wax pencil and polished with a soft and dry cloth. In addition to the simplicity of such a procedure, several more advantages of a wax pencil can be noted - affordable cost, large assortment, long-term storage without expiration date restrictions.
  • Varnish. Small and medium scratches can be easily removed with a special wood varnish. When using it, it is necessary to apply the material only to the scratch, avoiding the varnish getting into adjacent areas. After drying, the floor will look like new.
  • Repair paste. Used to remove large scratches and small chips. It is also sold in construction stores and has a wide range of colors. The paste should be selected more carefully than a wax pencil, since over a fairly large area the difference in colors may be noticeable.You will also need to purchase a special spatula to apply the product and remove excess. Before using the repair paste for the first time, it is recommended to practice on a scrap board.

IMPORTANT! The floor must be clean and dry before repair. Apply a small amount of paste to the damaged area of ​​the laminate and rub it thoroughly into the floor.

abrasionsExcess must be removed quickly, preventing it from drying out. To do this, you can use the same spatula or a dry, clean rag. After applying and hardening the paste, the surface can be treated with a special wood varnish or colorless nail polish. This will smooth out possible irregularities and give the material a natural look.

  • Putty. The use of this type is similar to the previous one, you also need to carefully apply, rub in, remove excess and wait. To isolate the damage from the good areas, the latter can be covered with masking tape, which can be easily removed after the repair is completed. After complete drying, the putty may need to be sanded. This action must be carried out very carefully so as not to damage neighboring areas.

Large chips or very severe damage may require repairing the panel with plaster, replacing a single panel, or completely reinstalling the floor. All these are quite complex and time-consuming processes, so it is better not to bring the floor to this state.

Recommendations - how to prevent scratches on laminate flooring

laminate without defectsAs in all other cases, the problem is easier to prevent than to fix. Moreover, in this case there are several simple but effective measures:

  • A rug at the entrance will collect dirt and dust from the street. The rubber base of this coating will prevent water from penetrating the laminate.
  • Regular cleaning will remove sand and debris from your floors before they cause scratches.
  • Furniture legs should be provided with soft pads, and a rug should be placed under frequently moved objects.
  • Doors that close poorly should be raised slightly to provide clearance between them and the floor.
  • Outdoor shoes will feel better in a hallway than in a laminate room. It’s easier to take off your shoes before entering the living space than to later eliminate troubles on the floor. Also, you should not overuse high-heeled shoes; it is better to buy cozy slippers with soft soles for your home.
  • Pets' nails need to be trimmed regularly; by the way, this is very beneficial for the dogs themselves.
  • Well, of course, you shouldn’t throw sharp or heavy objects on the floor. And if this is not possible (small child, elderly person), you should also use a protective covering - a carpet or rug.

Laminate will respond to care with a long service life.

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