How to remove vomit smell from carpet

Cleaning carpet from vomitNo person is immune from unexpected vomiting. This can happen at any time. But it’s not always possible to have time to run, for example, to the sink, so as not to spoil the things in the room. And if getting rid of vomit is not difficult, then you need to try to remove the unpleasant odor.

How to remove vomit smell from carpet

Any contamination after vomiting must be cleaned immediately, without allowing the masses to soak into the carpet.

Traditional methods

To get rid of odor, you can use the following methods:

  1. The easiest way is to cover the dirt with soda and rub it into the pile with a stiff brush, then leave for 3 hours.
  2. Soda and citric acid (2:1). The product must be applied to the carpet and cleaned with a brush.
  3. Add a little water to the soda until a paste forms. She needs to evenly treat the contaminated area and leave until dry, then clean with a brush.
  4. Using shabby laundry soap and starch - for 500 g of starch you need 3 tbsp. soap Apply the dry mixture evenly to the problem area, rub in with a brush, wait about 45 minutes and vacuum.
  5. Ammonia (2 tsp per 500 ml of water). You can add a small amount of ground soap. The composition applied to the contaminated area is allowed to dry - it is advisable to do this outdoors.

Cleaning carpet from vomit

Professional products

It is also recommended to use special enzyme formulations.

Enzyme cleaners “Miracle of Nature” and “Children and Animals” are specially designed to get rid of various odors. You can purchase them in specialized household chemical stores. The product should be applied in large quantities for 3 hours.

Attention! There is no need to be afraid of the smell of the enzyme composition itself: when the vomiting smell disappears, the “aroma” of the chemical substance will also disappear.

Cleaning carpet from vomit

What else can you do to remove odor?

Experts advise mixing 1 part detergent in 2 parts water. The composition is applied to the contaminated area and rubbed in with a brush.

These are the most environmentally friendly, inexpensive and effective methods of getting rid of the smell of vomit. Certain of them can rid the problem area of ​​dirt and vomit odor, but also slightly update the carpet, restoring its attractive appearance.

But before you start getting rid of the smell, especially if you have never used a certain product before, you need to check it in some inconspicuous place so as not to spoil the carpet.

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