How to remove wool from a carpet

cleaning with gloveCarpeting in a home always looks beautiful and adds comfort and coziness. In addition, carpets can be a great addition to a stylish interior. However, in order for the product to retain its presentable appearance for a long time, you need to carefully care for it and clean it in a timely manner.

This is especially true for residential premises where pets with fluffy fur also live. There are several ways to clean carpets from wool, they all have their advantages and some disadvantages, and can also be used for various products. Before purchasing a rug, be sure to research your carpet care options.

Cleaning with vacuum cleaners and brooms

There are several methods available to remove annoying pet hair from your carpet. To implement them you will need to purchase some devices. They can be found in hardware or household supply stores.

The most common ones are a broom and a vacuum cleaner. With their help, you can clean the surface of the carpet quite easily if you do it regularly. Experts advise first walking over the surface of the product with a broom soaked in clean water. This will help soften and lift coarse hairs. And then vacuum the carpet, removing wool from its fleecy part.

Important! This procedure needs to be done quite often, at least once every two days.Otherwise, the carpet will become very dirty and you will have to use more radical cleaning methods.

Modern household appliances have additional devices that make the cleaning process easier:

  • turbo brush (some models of vacuum cleaners are equipped with an additional brush, which collects wool from the carpet pile with a rotating motion; you just need to be careful, since such cleaning affects the rate of wear of the pile);
  • a vacuum cleaner with a washing function (this method helps to clean not only the wool, but also to remove a layer of dirt from the top of the pile; it cannot penetrate into the thickness of the product, but the product will become much cleaner; after cleaning, you should leave the carpet in a well-ventilated area until it dries completely and exclude mechanical influences on it).

You can simply use a broom soaked in water. This is a fairly effective, but painstaking method that will take a lot of time from the housewife. There is also a method using a vacuum cleaner and fabric softener. It is mixed in a spray bottle with a glass of water and the surface of the carpet is treated with the composition. After waiting until the liquid dries a little, the carpet is vacuumed. You can replace fabric softener with emollient after washing your hair.

Important! Before use, this composition should be tested on the very edge of the product, in an inconspicuous place. Some products can significantly worsen the color or eat away the design.

Special gloves for cleaning

You can clean a room with a fluffy carpet using a special mitten, which is used for combing dogs and cats. It is put on the hand and passed several times over the carpet pile.Sticky hair can be removed easily and fairly quickly, and the owner’s hands do not suffer from constant friction against the hard pile.

wool on the carpetFor the same purposes, you can use medical or household rubber gloves. They are first moistened with water so that the wool sticks faster, and they are walked over the carpet several times. From time to time it is suggested to wash off the hairs stuck to your hand and start working again.

How else can you clean wool from carpet?

vacuumingExperienced housewives have long identified several effective ways to easily and quickly clean wool and hair from a carpet. A broom and a vacuum cleaner, of course, are the most effective, and most importantly, the fastest ways to get rid of dirt. However, there are other ways to remove wool from carpet pile:

  • a clothes brush (you need to arm yourself with water in a basin and a brush, moisten and shake off the water, rub it in the direction of the carpet pile; if this is not very effective, you will have to make circular movements, which is more traumatic for the product);
  • adhesive tape (adhesive tape is an excellent solution for minor contamination; wrap it around your hand and pass it over the entire surface of the product; replace the tape with a new one as necessary);
  • sticky roller (a sticky roller for clothes is used in a similar way; it collects wool well from the carpet, leaving it clean and fresh);
  • foam sponge (a hard sponge made of foam rubber is a good option, replacing a damp rag; it is passed over the pile, collecting wool into balls, and then removed with a vacuum cleaner, the process is quite painstaking);
  • construction mastic (“a sausage” made of building material can easily remove wool contamination; it is rolled over the carpet, collecting lint; several mixtures may be needed);
  • sandpaper (if you don’t have special brushes or a vacuum cleaner at hand, you can “comb” the carpet using regular medium or coarse sandpaper).

Important! It should be understood that any mechanical impact negatively affects the condition of the carpet, so it is best to use more gentle cleaning methods.

What should you avoid cleaning your carpet to avoid damaging it?

cleaning brushYou can clean the carpet with any available means, but not with too hard brushes. They can significantly damage the carpet pile or its pattern. You should also avoid aggressive chemicals, otherwise the color of the product may be significantly damaged.

But even with gentle care and medium-hard brushes, special care should be taken. In addition, it is not recommended to wet the carpet too much, especially expensive silk models. They may lose shape and color.

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