How to clean a carpet at home

how to clean a carpet at home Carpet flooring continues to be very popular as a home decor item, despite the abundance of other flooring options on the market today. It is soft and pleasant to walk on with bare feet. Children love to play on carpeting; it is simply a beautiful attribute of any design that adds coziness.

However, any carpet tends to get dirty quickly. And due to the fact that today you can find products made from materials that are completely different in composition and properties, cleaning methods also vary significantly. It is imperative to choose the appropriate option and promptly clean the contaminated coating from dust and debris. This is the key to people’s health and comfort in the room.

Dry cleaning offers its services, and we will tell you how to clean carpets at home.

Approaches to cleaning carpets

Today, stores offer a wide variety of carpet models made from natural and synthetic materials, with long or short pile. These characteristics should be taken into account when choosing a method for cleaning the product.

When cleaning is necessary

The carpet requires cleaning in the following cases:when to clean

  • after a holiday or feast there are stubborn stains;
  • large accumulation of dust and lack of timely general cleaning;
  • unpleasant smell from carpeting;
  • the presence of small children or animals in the apartment.

In these cases, carpet cleaning should be regular and timely. A regular vacuum cleaner cannot remove dirt, so you will have to use various products offered in stores.

Important! Chemicals or traditional methods should be selected in strict accordance with the material.

Otherwise, aggressive liquids or powders can spoil the external qualities of the product.

Cleaning taking into account the characteristics of the carpet

Made from natural fibers

For natural wool, silk or cotton coverings gentle cleaning required. vacuum cleaner

ADVICE. It is recommended to use baking soda, starch and a powerful vacuum cleaner for wool items.

Silk pile carpets do not tolerate moisture, so they need to be washed carefully and using modern cleaning products.

Synthetic carpets

Synthetic carpets are unpretentious, allow any type of cleaning and use of most available products.

But they tend to quickly lose their appearance, so it is recommended to immediately remove dirt, including wet spots. To do this, you just need to apply a dry cloth and then wash off the dirt with soapy water.

Long pile

Products with long pile are the most difficult to clean. An ordinary household vacuum cleaner is unlikely to cope with long pileheavy dirt, dust and dirt stuck between the long fibers.

REFERENCE. Experts suggest cleaning them with a soap solution with strong foam or special products.

The foam is evenly distributed over the surface and left for a short period of time so that it is well absorbed into the fibers. It is then removed using a professional powerful vacuum cleaner or steam cleaner.

Short pile

The short-pile coating is unpretentious and can be cleaned with any available means. The easiest way is to wipe off dirt while it is fresh and easy to remove. Entrenched dirt should be removed using special means.

Carpet cleaning methods

The choice of cleaning method directly depends on the nature of the dirt, as well as the type of carpet. Dust andways dry dirt can be easily cleaned using a regular household vacuum cleaner. And for stubborn stains from liquids or greasy stains, only special store-bought products or folk recipes can be used.

The following carpet cleaning methods are available:

  • manual;
  • using a vacuum cleaner;
  • dry;
  • wet.

IMPORTANT! The choice of cleaning method is also based on the material from which the carpet is made. Some natural fibers are water sensitive and can deteriorate when exposed to moisture.

Using a vacuum cleaner

The simplest method of cleaning a contaminated surface is a vacuum cleaner.

Going over the carpet with a vacuum cleaner, preferably a washing one, is enough to rid the carpet of a large amount of dust or dry dirt. This is how we clean the room during general cleaning to clean a product that does not have difficult stains.


More labor-intensive, but no less effective, manual cleaning. To carry out the procedure you need to stock up manuallychemical means. Brushes should always be kept clean by rinsing them thoroughly after each cleaning. In addition,The drains need to be changed annually to prevent dirt and dust from accumulating in the house..

Wet processing

Wet cleaning is carried out using a steam cleaner. This cleaning is not suitable for all types of carpets; some surfaces do not tolerate exposure to water.

It is recommended to carry out such cleaning infrequently, only in the presence of complex stains. Besides, wet cleaning is ideal for people prone to allergies, as it does not involve the use of chemicals.

What products to use for cleaning carpets

Household chemical stores today offer the opportunity to purchase various chemicals. The most facilitiesThe following compositions are considered in demand.

  • Vanish. Removes even old stains. The only disadvantages are the high cost of the substance and the small volume of packaging. It is enough for no more than 2-3 procedures.
  • Mitex. Powder for cleaning various textile surfaces, removes dirt, dust and dust mites well. But it will be powerless in the fight against old stains.
  • Flash. Fights effectively with ingrained unpleasant odors.
  • Sunlux. It actively affects the fibers, after which the dirt can be easily removed with a damp cloth and a vacuum cleaner.
  • Extra Profi. A powerful remedy that Easily removes stains from wine and blood, and is also able to remove plasticine or stuck chewing gum.

Important! You should strictly follow the manufacturer's recommendations for choosing the appropriate product. Improper use of the substance can ruin the appearance and quality of the carpet.

For cleaning without chemicals, various models of vacuum cleaners, household or industrial, are used. They are able to cope with various contaminants from dust and dirt between the carpet fibers. Together with folk remedies, they give excellent results in cleaning the carpet.

How to clean a carpet using folk remedies

A stain on the carpet may appear suddenly, but expensive detergents that are urgently used to remove stains may not always be at hand. In this case, folk recipes that are effective against various contaminants can come to the rescue. Experienced housewives always have several recipes in stock for removing difficult stains. Let's introduce you to home cleaning options.

The following methods are considered the most common.


The cheapest and most widely known remedy. It is mixed with powder and water, whipping into a stiff foam. ammoniaAfter which it is applied to the carpet and wiped with a brush. And then thoroughly wash the composition with a damp cloth. After the procedure, you need to thoroughly dry the product with natural ventilation.


An original but effective way. The cabbage is thoroughly squeezed, then it is spread over the carpet and wiped with a brush. After the vegetable is contaminated, it is collected in a scoop and washed. The manipulations are repeated several times until the product no longer becomes contaminated. The carpet is then allowed to dry thoroughly.


The dry product is poured directly onto the stain and allowed to absorb the dirt, then the carpet is vacuumed. Baking soda also has the ability to rid the canvas of unpleasant odors.

Lemon juice

Lemon concentrate eats away even old stains. They treat the contamination and let it sit for 2 hours. Then wash the stain with a damp cloth and allow to dry.

Laundry soap

It is best to grate the soap on a fine grater and mix with water. Then spread over the carpet and rub soapwith a soft brush. After this, remove with a damp cloth and allow the product to dry.

Methods using tea leaves, vinegar and other improvised means are also known. Everyone also knows the method using ordinary snow. All of them remove stains of different origins from carpets.

Tips for caring for carpets

Carpet cleaning is a whole science and you should take this issue seriously in order to preserve the performance and external characteristics of the material for a long time. It is also recommended to remember the basic rules for caring for carpets.

  • Products of any kind are afraid of hot water. If an aqueous solution is used, it should be at room temperature.
  • Brush movements are made only in the direction of the “growth” of the pile.
  • Wet cleaning is recommended no more than once every 3 months.
  • Carpets should only be laid on dry floors.
  • Fresh stains are easier to remove immediately how to remove stubborn stains.
  • Do not use hard brushes, they can cause significant harm.

With timely cleaning and the use of gentle washing methods, you can preserve the external qualities and characteristics of the carpet for a long time. In addition, experts recommend regularly changing the position of the carpet to avoid scuff marks.

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