How to remove cat urine smell from carpet

how to remove cat urine smell from carpet Pets, without which cat lovers consider housing incomplete, in addition to positive emotions and a positive impact on the well-being of the owners, sometimes cause unpleasant troubles.

Faced with the problem of four-legged feces in the apartment, cat owners have to solve the problem of removing the irritating odor of ammonia that comes from carpeting or shoes. The persistence of such an aroma is annoying and makes living in an apartment uncomfortable.

You can get rid of this problem by using various means. The sooner the owners take on the solution to this issue, the easier and faster it will be possible to close it.

Cat urine odor removers

To remove cat urine from the carpet and get rid of the annoying stench, they use drugs produced by the chemical industry. They have a narrow specialization of application. Or they make their own solutions at home that will help restore the microclimate in the living space.

ATTENTION! Using aerosols with various essential oils will help you forget about the problem for several hours. But after that you will still have to deal with eliminating the smell of ammonia.

Special formulations

Products for removing unpleasant odors are sold in specialized pet stores. special drugsThe basis of these drugs are neutralizers of bacteria that spread the ammonia odor.

Plant-based products and enzyme formulations are considered effective, so-called enzymes. They break down and neutralize the unpleasant odor from pet urine.

Proven odor absorbers include the following substances.

  • "Zoosan": contains no phosphates, fluorine or chlorine.
  • "Dezosan": make based on surfactants and fragrances with food ingredients. Completely destroys the stench and is able to rid the room of traces of the cat’s activity. A vacuum cleaner can be used during processing.
  • "Duftapet": universal safe remedy based on vegetable proteins without alcohol additives. It manages to remove allergens from the air and has a high rate of bacterial decay.
  • "Odor Gon": Natural based neutralizer. Does not cause allergic irritation, designed to clean a surface of up to 15 square meters. m.

These drugs have different compositions, but the effectiveness of their use has been tested more than once by cat owners when problems arise with carpets or upholstered furniture.

In addition to those listed, they use products from other manufacturers on the market (spray Fresh, Urin Off). The high cost of enzyme absorbers forces us to give preference to products made on a natural basis or active substances.

Traditional methods

The inability to purchase special medications due to the long distance to the pet store or for other reasons will require the use of improvised means.

Lemon juice

One option for removing odor is to use lemon juice. To do this, squeeze out the pulp lemon juicelemon, dilute the resulting concentrate in a glass of water.

Treat the contaminated area with the resulting solution using a sponge or small cloth, which is left on the surface to enhance the cleaning effect for 20–40 minutes.

Vodka or alcohol

Using vodka or alcohol diluted with water will get rid of an unpleasant aroma if it has not yet acquired established properties.

The application method will be similar to the lemon solution. This method will lead to the formation of a new persistent odor of alcohol, which is less irritating, but may require additional elimination.


Carpet can be cleaned with acetic acid. It is diluted in a ratio of 1:3 with water and vinegarApply to the stain using a spray bottle.

After 10–15 minutes. The treated area is blotted with a clean rag or sponge.

REFERENCE! Increasing the concentration of vinegar can lead to a change in the color of the coating, especially if the product has a synthetic base!

Peroxide and soda

Hydrogen peroxide with baking soda can remove unpleasant odors, due to the fact that when these elements are combined, ammonia is activated and evaporates.

To remove the stain, do the following.

  • Cover the contaminated area and surrounding area with baking soda.
  • The white powder is poured with a peroxide solution, and an active reaction of ammonia release will begin.
  • The slurry formed as a result of mixing is removed after 8–10 hours using a brush or other device.
  • The treated area is washed and dried.


Another way is to use iodine. To get rid of stains 20 drops of iodine diluted with a liter of warm water.

The required area of ​​the carpet is treated with this solution.

IMPORTANT! This method is used only for dark products. A light coating may noticeably change the shade.

How to remove traces and smell of cat urine from carpet

Having witnessed cat tricks, you can immediately blot the stain with a sponge or napkins, collecting your pet’s urine. But this will not be enough, because organic compounds of animal excrement are strongly eaten into the fabric base of the carpet. This technique will only reduce the concentration of bacteria that have saturated the product.

If an unpleasant odor becomes noticeable in the early morning, as a result of the nightly mischief of pets, then it is necessary to find and eliminate the source of the stench.

Fresh spots

VanishTo remove the unpleasant aroma from a newly formed stain, folk remedies are used using the methods described above.

In addition, you can use carpet shampoo Vanish, which is made in the form of a powder or gel.

The drug is mixed with water until a foamy consistency is obtained in accordance with the instructions. Then applied to the surface to be cleaned. To ensure reliable use of the detergent, sprinkle the foam with soda and leave for 15–25 minutes. Then remove it with a scraper or a vacuum cleaner. Wash the treated area with a damp sponge and allow to dry.

Old stains and persistent odor

To get rid of the long-standing stench that has been filling the living room space for days, how to removefolk remedies will not be enough. It will be necessary to use specially designed preparations that absorb aromas of organic origin.

Each of them is used in the following order.

  • Prepare the product in accordance with the instructions.To do this, the drug is shaken or mixed with water.
  • The stain and the area around it are covered with an odor absorber.
  • Cover the treated area with plastic wrap.
  • Leave for 30–40 minutes, after which the polyethylene is removed.
  • After 2 hours, check for the presence of an unpleasant odor and repeat the procedure if necessary.

IMPORTANT! Before spraying specialized absorbers, do not rub or soap the contaminated area using powders or other detergents that contain chlorine!

Such a component can only enhance and make the smell of urine more persistent!

Depending on the requirements of chemical manufacturers, the methodology may differ slightly. On the packaging, the manufacturer places detailed instructions for use, which will indicate the specifics of using a particular product.

Ways to remove dog urine odor

Traditional methods for getting rid of traces of dog excrement are the same as for cats. And the chemicals used in this case will differ in the possible presence of chlorine impurities and the absence of the need for expensive enzymatic aroma absorbers.

Dog urine produces an unbearable stench, similar to that of a cat, but the chemical composition of the urine has a lower content of ammonia impurities. That's why Removing such an odor requires simpler preparations, but the processing technique remains the same.

Having familiarized yourself with various solutions that absorb unpleasant odors, you can safely prepare the necessary remedy and get rid of the unwanted atmosphere.

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