Carpet: how to change color, coloring

carpet coloring pages Flooring is an important element of the interior of any apartment. Many people use carpet, which does its job remarkably well. Its advantage is the variety of colors. Thanks to this, you can choose a coating to suit almost any interior.

But it happens that due to stubborn stains that cannot be removed, it loses its appearance. Or after renovation, the color does not match the new design of the room. There is a need to replace it.

This process is labor-intensive, because it is necessary to remove the old coating glued to the base, prepare the floors, lay and secure the new one. But There are ways to change carpet colors. In some cases, for example, in the absence of the necessary funds, it is easier to use them.

What type of carpet can be painted?

If you decide to change the color of your flooring, you should first consider that doing this paintingNot possible with every type of it.

The ability to change colors does not depend on the length of the pile. You can paint products with both short and long pile. The latter will require more paint consumption and a more thorough painting process.

IMPORTANT! It is not recommended to paint products made of acrylic and polyester, since these materials have poor fixation of substances.

How to paint carpet

If the decision to change the color of the carpet is made, then the question arises with what materials it will be possible to implement it. This can be done using special materials or fabric dyes.

Ready-made formulations that can be used

Store-bought substances are intended to renew the appearance of carpets in cars. That's why sprayare produced in aerosol cans and are expensive.

IMPORTANT! If the coverage area is large, then the use of this material will require significant financial costs.

In this case costs may be more than the cost of new carpet. This makes its use impractical.

Completing of the work

  • The composition for fabrics is selected based on the coating material.
  • The color of the substance should be a tone darker, and if it is necessary to paint over a stain, then a tone darker than its shade.
  • To prepare the composition for use, use the instructions printed on the back of the package.
  • Before starting work, the carpet must be thoroughly cleaned and dried.
  • Cover the baseboards with plastic wrap.
  • The solution is applied evenly with a stiff brush in a circular motion.

Attention! Walking on the coating until the material has completely dried is prohibited.

  • While the carpet is drying, the room should be well ventilated.
  • If there are places on the coating where uneven staining is noticeable, the procedure can be repeated.
  • Finally, it is necessary to treat the surface using a washing vacuum cleaner. If it is not available, use a clean cloth soaked in a solution of water and vinegar in a 2:1 ratio.

How to make your own carpet paint.

The composition can be made independently. For this you need water, dye, the required shade, how to prepare paintammonia solution and chromium.

One liter of water must be brought to a boil and added 20 g of dye and 25 ml of ammonia. Mix everything and boil for another 10 minutes, then cool. After this, you need to add a solution of chromium to it and mix thoroughly. It should be strained before use.

The above updating method has its advantages and disadvantages, but it allows you to actually change the color of the coating. And everyone decides for themselves whether to use it or not.

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