How to properly get rid of an old broom

An irreplaceable and already familiar assistant in the household is a broom. Now that the main functions of cleaning an apartment are performed by a vacuum cleaner, a broom is often used to sweep away small debris and crumbs. And before he was a noticeable “figure” in the house.

How to properly get rid of an old broom

How our ancestors treated the broom

In ancient times, a broom was involved in witchcraft rituals. But his abilities were not only the ability to establish connections with other worlds.

He served and a talisman against danger to people and their homes. It was believed that for this it was necessary to follow several rules.

  • The equipment had to “rest” from work, standing in the corner with your hand down. This is how he absorbs streams of light energy. But it was impossible to leave it down like a broom, otherwise the messages from the lower dark worlds would be received. While sweeping, the housewife believed that she was spreading the collected energy throughout the house. Therefore, they were afraid to store it incorrectly, so that negativity would not spread throughout the house. And the one who swept would not have had any troubles and would not have suffered from deterioration in health.
  • It was also assumed that storage with the working part up protected from the evil eye and negative energy of ill-wishers.

how to store


Reference! It was believed that anyone who comes with bad thoughts will be powerless if the broom is placed correctly in the house. For greater effect, throw a broom after someone who comes into the house with negativity.

  • You can use a broom family members only. Do not allow strangers to touch it.
  • Our ancestors were sure that if you knock on the threshold while sweeping, then in this way you can drive away evil forces and even someone else's brownie.
  • Sweeping should be done from the threshold to the middle of the room to accumulate monetary well-being.
  • The tool also used in raising children. If they were not distinguished by good behavior or excellent grades at school, a special ritual was performed. On the threshold of the home, they “swept away” all bad thoughts and actions from the child, and then scattered them to the wind.

Important! But under no circumstances was it possible to hit children with a broom, otherwise, as the adults were sure, they would lose their health.

  • To protect newborn from evil spirits, a broom was also placed under his crib.

As we can see, this item was special for our ancestors. He was considered a powerful talisman. That's why they treated him special. And some traditions and signs are still preserved. This also applies to getting rid of the old panicle.

Where to put an old broom

When purchasing a new cleaning tool, get rid of the old one immediately! You can’t take revenge with two, because you’ll lose all your wealth.. But you need to throw it away correctly, otherwise you may end up in trouble.

where to put the old broom

What not to do with an old broom

Do not burn the old copy or simply throw it in the trash.

Belief says that if you throw out the broom, then diseases will take root in the house: scabies, scabs, enuresis. A if you burn it, expect the appearance of “dirty” creatures: lice, cockroaches and bedbugs. The destructive fire will also cut off the positive energy with which it fed you. Besides, there may be discord in the family: conflicts and showdowns will begin.

How to get rid of an old broom without negative consequences

where to go

It is believed that the real owner of the broom is the brownie. That's why If you're planning a move, don't leave the old broom behind! You need to take it with you to your new home. This way you will transfer your owner of the house to a new place, where he will continue to protect your hearth.

When a tool has become unusable and the time has come to get rid of it, take this procedure very seriously. He swept away the dirty linen, protected the family from the evil eye and negativity. Therefore, as you leave, mentally thank him for his faithful service. Then pack in a dark bag. Choose polyethylene that is not see-through.

Attention! It is strictly forbidden to throw away a used broom near your home.

Take him away from your home, to a deserted place. It's better to even bury it in the ground. All negative energy will then be sealed and inaccessible to any negative influences.

How to treat these signs? Seriously, how's grandma? Or mockingly, like the younger generation? You now know the reasons for the special treatment, and the decision is up to you!

Comments and feedback:

There have always been brooms in Rus', but there was no black polyethylene... Is it possible to bury a broom without environmentally harmful polyethylene?


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